In and around Ekaterinburg - Aug 2003
1 01IMGP0388_ekat traffic
2 01IMGP0603_dirty truck parts
3 IMGP0477_ekat trolley and lenin
4 IMGP0480_ekat lenin city award
5 IMGP0481_radio tower from dam-plotinka
6 IMGP0483_ekat monument of genin + tatischev city founders
7 IMGP0485_ekat stone flower fountain in square of labor + church
8 IMGP0491_ekat authentic university
9 IMGP0497_ekat afghan memoria
10 IMGP0501_ekat all saints who shone forth in the russian land church
11 IMGP0506_czar+family
12 IMGP0507_incomplete radio tower
13 IMGP0606_ekat mo+andrew
14 IMGP0613_ekat teddy bear wall
15 IMGP0619_ekat truck full of cucumbers
16 IMGP0674_circus and new train
17 IMGP0677_borscht
18 IMGP0678_blini
19 IMGP0685_rainbow
20 IMGP0688_ekat airport zoom
21 IMGP0701_ekat morning fog
of 21
01IMGP0388_ekat traffic
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