Vers l’immortalité et l’éternelle jeunesse

Towards immortality and eternal youth

Mirror Copy - Original site is HERE

Jules Verne’s tomb in the cemetery of La Madeleine in Amiens. Commissioned from the sculptor Albert Roze by Verne’s son, Michel, 1907. I scanned the picture from a postcard I received from Mme. Cécile Compère, Secretary General of the Société Jules Verne, to commemorate my pilgrimage to Amiens, 2nd August, 1980.

On Friday, 24th March, 2006, My wife Zahava and I visited Amiens for the inauguration of the renovated Maison Jules Verne. There, we met Cécile’s children, Daniel and François, and was very sorry to hear about her failing health. Just ten days later, we received the sad news about her passing away in Monday morning, 3nd April, 2006. May this page serve as a humble tribute to her memory.

Jules Verne’s Tomb
Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2007/11/08 15:39:41 $