Jules Verne Forum



Ray Bradbury

From: wbutcher <wbutcher~at~netvigator.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 10:00:15 +0800
To: "'Jules Verne Forum'" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

Dear All,


The news recently came out that Ray Bradbury has died. This writer was a
great fan of Verne, and recorded his debt in a variety of forums over the
decades. He generously invited me to his house just over a month ago: I
found him on excellent form, still impassioned by life and literature.


While tributes will surely pour in from every continent, what stands out was
his passionate defence of the spirit of his literary muse, especially in
Cerisy and Paris in 1978. Ray Bradbury was a wonderful human being and a
very great writer, whose legacy will never die.


A great loss for the whole of mankind!



Received on Thu 07 Jun 2012 - 05:00:38 IDT

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