Jules Verne Potpourri

Mirror Copy - Original site was here: http://jv.gilead.org.il/potpourri.html

If you know about interesting Jules Verne related web pages which should be mentioned here, please drop me a line.
Zvi Har’El
(Andrew Nash - Jan 2021)

Automated Transfer Vehicle Jules Verne The European Space Agency
Jules Verne Collecting Web Site by Andrew Nash (Working as of 2021/01/20)
Jules Verne: les cartonnages Hetzel by Fabien Raynaut (Working as of 2021/01/20)
The Works of Jules Gabriel Verne by Dennis Kytasaari (Working as of 2021/01/20)
Julius Verne by Ondrej Neff, Prague (NOT working as of 2021/01/20)
Le Portail Web Fancophone sur Jules Verne by Frédéric Viron (NOT working as of 2021/01/20)
Jules Verne, Un écrivain d’Amiens by Christian Larcher (Working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Jules Verne, le scaphandrier des abîmes by Gilles Carpentier (Working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Jules Verne, un conteur extraordinaire... by Alain Braut (Working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Jules Verne - Éditions Hetzel by Jean-Alain Marquis (NOT working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Viaje al centro del Verne desconocido by Ariel Perez (in Spanish) (Working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Analyses littéraires des romans de Jules Verne by Lionel Dupuy (NOT working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- All Hail Jules Verne, Patron Saint of Cyberspace by Edward Rothstein [P] (Working as of 2021/01/20)
------------- Back to the Future(a review of Paris in the Twentieth Century) by Julian Barnes (Working as of 2021/01/20)
Jules Verne, Misunderstood Visionary
Jules Verne, visionnaire incompris (French version)
by Art Evans and Ron Miller [P] (NOT working as of 2021/01/20)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Boz Adams
Garmt de Vries’ Jules Verne Collection by Garmt de Vries (Correct and working as of 2021/01/20)
The Life and Works of Jules Verne by Prasad Phillips
Jules Verne, sa vie, son oeuvre by Olivier Sacleux, Amiens
The Palace Café: Verne-O-Rama
Jules Verne, from Prominent Men and Women of the Day edited by Tom Layton
Jules Verne, in the Adder’s Choice
Jules Verne envelope, in the Adder’s Choice
Jules Verne o. Mozilla by Rune Lindström
(in Swedish)
Jules Verne Illustration, from Rocketry Through the Ages
Early Science Fiction Concepts
Jules Verne and Stromboli
The Little Wang-Poo River,
an excerpt from The Tribulations of a Chinese Gentleman
Verne’s Craft in the National Air and Space Museum
Jules Verne space launcher in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Le Rayon Vert by Marcel Duchamp
-------------- Le Rayon Vert
- Un nouveau matériau pour l’optique : le GdCOB
Sigmund Freud and Jules Verne, from 60 Portraits by J. M. Hedinger and S. Kress
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
VERNE - Visiting Electrically Resourceful Nations Excursion
The Earth’s Second Moon
The Last Moon Shot
Jules Verne Panorama Bar in Urania Observatory, Zürich
Journey To The Centre Of The Earth by Rick Wakeman (CD)
The Green Ray by Gavin Bryars
Jules Verne’s Sketchbook an XTC album
-------------- Record Breakers - ENZA wins the Jules Verne Trophy
Black Cat Studios illustrator/author Ron Miller’s page
Jules Verne Explorer in Eilat, Israel
NELLIE BLY, Investigative Reporter #1 in Great Journalists Page
-------------- The American Experience/Around the World in 72 Days the Nelly Bly story
Exposition "Avant l’an 2000, Jules Verne, Visionnaire des mondes inconnus", in Tour Eiffel, Paris
Exposition "Avant l’an 2000, Jules Verne, Visionnaire des mondes inconnus" (English version)
Jules Verne Restaurant in Tour Eiffel, Paris
Deep Dive Aboard Mobilis
Filmography for Jules Verne in the Internet Movie Database
Diving: Jules’ Undersea Lodge
- Divers check in an hotel beneath the sea
by Elliot Neal Hester
Rodman’s Great Guns (picture)
The 1916 Version of Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, music Brian Benison
Time Traveler - a 360 circle-vision journey with Jules Verne
Jules Verne Auditorium in Expo ’98
Jules Verne works and biography in Oslo Public Library (Norwegian)
-------------- Musée Jules Verne, in Nantes
Les hommes de lettres - Jules Verne, in Les personnalités nantaises, Nantes
-------------- Jules Verne, un témoin de son temps en 15 vues commentées,
in Netd@ys 1997, Nantes
-------------- Centre d’études verniennes, Nantes
-------------- Exposition Jules Verne at Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail
-------------- OTI Establishes Laboratoire Jules Verne at Ecole des Mines de Nantes
-------------- Laboratoire Jules Verne at Ecole des Mines de Nantes
Une ballade dans Amiens by Olivier Sacleux, Amiens
Centre de Documentation Jules Verne, Amiens
La maison Jules Verne, Amiens
Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Verne Shoots for the Moon
and Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon,
from Knowledge Adventure
Jules VERNE by students of collège Jean-Lurçat
Top 11 Things Jules Verne didn’t predict in 1863 by David E. Romm (from Shockwave)
Voyages Jules Verne travel agency (London)
Jules Vernes Mongolia Co. travel agency (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
-------------- Jules Verne 1828-1905, in Japanese
-------------- Science Fiction Gallery - Science Fiction In Literature
-------------- Around the World in 80 Minutes, by Adam Graffin
-------------- References to Kiwis in the works of Jules Verne from Akiko, New Zealand
From the Earth to the Moon
by Robert F. Stengel (Freshman Seminar)
Special Subject: Jules Verne
by Tim Unwin (Final Year Course)
-------------- Midnight on the Rue Jules Verne and Return to the Rue Jules Verne by Bruce Sterling
Formentera, Pearl of the Mediterranean by Martin Heffels
Paris au XXe siècle, in La Cité
-------------- Paris au XXe siècle
reviewed by Benjamin J Juven (from La Feuille de Chou)
-------------- Rediscovering the Future - Jules Verne’s novel Paris in the 20th Century
-------------- Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
-------------- Jules Verne Memorial Ballistic Lunar Mission,
in the INM Gun Club
-------------- Peaks of excellence. Building and Public Works. Hot and cold as you like it. Thanks to Jules Verne
-------------- Pôles d’excellence. BTP.
Chaud et froid à la carte grace à Jules Verne
-------------- The Infinite Future by Clifton H. Takamura (from Trades)
-------------- Intreresting things that happened February 8 and March 24
-------------- Nortel Challenges Students to Predict The History of Its Second Century
-------------- Verne expert brings fairy tale to english-speaking public by Brian Taves, Library of Congress
-------------- Library Restores Rare Undersea Film by Brian Taves
-------------- LC Holds Largest Jules Verne Collection Outside France by Brian Taves
-------------- Discoveries from the "Around the World in 80 Days" Collection by Brian Taves
-------------- Böcker: Framtiden fanns i tvättkorgen by Magnus Falkehed (in Swedish)
-------------- Citations from Jules Verne’s books by Gilles G. Jobin
-------------- Bibliographie de Jules Verne by François-Xavier Féghali
-------------- Verne’s Journey, a portfolio by artist Roni Horn
-------------- Fogg’s Hotel, Stockholm
Philleas Fogg supports Virgin Global Challanger
-------------- Phileas Fogg hot air balloon over Marakesh,
from Virgin Global Challanger Picture Album
The Phileas Fogg Adventuring Company
Space Mountain and Mysteries of the Nautilus, in Disneyland Paris
Piero Gondolo della Riva’s Collezione Jules Verne, in Liber et Imagio, Torino
-------------- Jules Verne forutså telefaxen, in Computer World, Norway
Captain Nemo’s Nemesis
in Royal British Columbia Museum
-------------- TEE Jules Verne (Nantes-Paris Train, 1981-1989)
Dimensional Designs - Captain Nemo
5e Festival Jules Verne
Jules Verne on Film in the American Film Institute
-------------- Festival Arts Association Presents Around the World in 80 Days
-------------- Grandes Figures: Verne, Jules
UMA sets Jules Verne to music (CD)
Jules Verne Playing Cards, by Gunther Anderson
Les Bouquins de Serge, Vieux Bouquins Illustrés by Serge Goluch
-------------- Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, by Michael Crisafulli
-------------- Cunnington Corner presents: A Journey to the Center of the Earth
-------------- Stamp Whys - The Stories of Jules Verne, part 1, part 2
-------------- The Astrocartography of Jules Verne
-------------- Jules Verne, in: La Clepsydre: Auteurs
-------------- Maquettes dans l’univers de Jules Verne et cie
-------------- Biographie de Jules VERNE

Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2008/01/19 19:43:57 $