Jules Verne Virtual Library

Mirror Copy - Original page was here: http://jv.gilead.org.il/works.html
(Updated Jan 22, 2021)

The following texts are electronic versions of Jules Verne works stored locally in our web site and either original(*) or collected from various Internet sources (which are duely acknowledged). Many of the items are marked by a [ZIP] icon. You can click on the mark to download the work as a single compressed file (i.e., as a zip archive). You can also click on a the bracketed two-letter reference to view the work’s original publication data in the Complete Jules Verne Bibliography. For your convenience, you can find here, assembled in one place, all the Jules Verne texts from Project Gutenberg, Русский Текст, Ebooks Libres & Gratuits, Eons, La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec, and Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.

  1. Novels

  2. Short Stories

  3. Essays

  4. Plays

  5. Poems

  6. Speeches

  7. Interviews

I. Novels

  1. Joyeuses Misères de trois voyageurs en Scandinavie [JM] (1861)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Nejat Bayramoğlu. [ZIP]
  2. Cinq semaines en ballon [CS] (1863; Five Weeks in a Balloon)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), etext from Project Gutenberg. [ZIP]
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French hypertext, from Association @lyon.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. W. Lackland. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext(*), etext by Dima Aksutin.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  3. Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras [AH] (1864; The English at the Noth Pole/The Field of Ice)
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext (part 1), from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext (part 2), from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  4. Voyage au centre de la Terre [VC] (1864; Journey to the Center of the Earth)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), etext from Project Gutenberg. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. Frederick Amadeus Malleson. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext(*), trans. pub. Griffith and Farran. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext and text files, from Norman Wolcott.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Eris at Virginia Tech.
    o Illustrated Russian hypertext(*), etext by Dima Aksutin.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Dutch text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  5. De la Terre à la Lune [TL] (1865; From the Earth to the Moon)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from John Walker. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Association @lyon.
    o French text, from John Walker.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. Mercier and King. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated English hypertext, from John Walker. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Wiretap.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Spanish hypertext, from Ariel Pérez.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  6. Les enfants du Capitaine Grant [EG] (1867-68; In Search of the Castaways)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French text, from Gallica at the Bibliothéque National de France.
    o English hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Google Drive location for all the below Don Sample (2019) versions
    o English Hypertext from Don Sample (2019) [ZIP]
    o English epub from Don Sample (2019)
    o English azw3 from Don Sample (2019)
    o English PDF Part 1 South America from Don Sample (2019)
    o English PDF Part 2 Australia from Don Sample (2019)
    o English PDF Part 3 New Zealand from Don Sample (2019)
  7. Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers [VL] (1869-70, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas)
    o French hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French text, from Le Château.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. F. P. Walter. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext(*), trans. L. Mercier. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext, from University of Virginia.
    o English hypertext, from Gérard Martin.
    o English text, trans. F. P. Walter, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Eris at Virginia Tech.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Dutch text (part 1), from Project Gutenberg.
    o Dutch text (part 2), from Project Gutenberg.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
    o Icelandic hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  8. Autour de la Lune [AL] (1870; Round the Moon)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from John Walker. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext(*), trans. Mercier and King. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Wiretap.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  9. L’Oncle Robinson [OR] (1874-75; Uncle Robinson)
    o English hypertext(*), unabridged trans. Sidney Kravitz.
    o English text, unabridged trans. Sidney Kravitz.
  10. Une Ville flottante [VF] (1871; A Floating City)
    o Illustrated French hypertext (part 1), from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated French hypertext (part 2), from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Spanish hypertext, from Ariel Pérez.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  11. Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais [AT] (1872)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  12. Le Pays des fourrures [PF] (1873; The Fur Country)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  13. Le tour du Monde en quatre-vingts jours [TM] (1873; Around the World in Eighty Days)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from John Walker. [ZIP]
    o French hypertext, from Association @lyon.
    o French text, from John Walker.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French text, from Gallica at the Bibliothéque National de France.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. G. M. Towle. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated English hypertext, from University of Virginia.
    o English hypertext, from Data Text Library.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Wiretap.
    o English text, from Project Eris at Virginia Tech.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Dutch text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  14. L’Île mystérieuse [IM] (1874-75; The Mysterious Island)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o French text, from Gallica at the Bibliothéque National de France.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), unabridged trans. Sidney Kravitz. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext(*), trans. W. H. G. Kingston. [ZIP]
    o English text, unabridged trans. Sidney Kravitz.
    o English hypertext, trans. Stephen W. White, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext (part 1), from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext (part 2), from Project Gutenberg.
  15. Le Chancellor [CR] (1875; The Survivors of the Chancellor)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext(*), trans. Ellen E. Frewer. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  16. Michel Strogoff [MI] (1876; Michael Strogoff)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext(*), etext from Project Gutenberg. [ZIP]
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext(*), trans. W. H. G. Kingston. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  17. Hector Servadac [HS] (1877; Off on a Comet)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*), trans. Adam Roberts. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext(*), trans. Ellen E. Frewer. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  18. Les Indes noires [IO] (1877; The Underground City or The Black Indies)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French PDF and RTF files, from La foire des textes.
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext(*), trans. W. H. Kingston. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Spanish hypertext, from Ariel Pérez.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Danish hypertext(*), from Lejf Rasmussen.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  19. Un Capitaine de quinze ans [CQ] (1878; Dick Sands the Boy Captain)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  20. Les cinq cents Millions de la Bégum [CI] (1879; The Begum’s Fortune)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Association @lyon.
    o French text, from L’Association des Bibliophiles Universels.
    o French text, from Gallica at the Bibliothéque National de France.
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  21. Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine [TC] (1879; Tribulations of a Chinaman in China)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French PDF file, from Pitbook.com.
    o English text, from “Teary Eyes” Anderson.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  22. La Maison à vapeur [MV] (1880; The Steam House)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  23. La Jangada [JA] (1881; Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Thierry Selva.
    o French PDF file, from Thierry Selva.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  24. L’École des Robinsons [EQ] (1882)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  25. Le Rayon vert [RV] (1882; Green Ray)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  26. Kéraban-le-têtu [KT] (1883; Keraban the Terrible)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext(*), etext from Project Gutenberg. [ZIP]
    o French text (part 1), from Project Gutenberg.
    o French text (part 2), from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  27. L’Étoile du sud [EO] (1884)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Turkish hypertext, from Nejat Bayramoğlu.
    o Dutch text, from Project Gutenberg.
  28. L’Archipel en feu [AF] (1884)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  29. Mathias Sandorf [MS] (1885)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  30. Un Billet de loterie [BL] (1885; Ticket No. “9672”)
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  31. “L’Épave du Cynthia” [EC] (1885; The Waif of the “Cynthia”)
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  32. Robur-le-Conquérant [RC] (1886; Clipper of the Clouds)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Ralf Tauchmann. [ZIP]
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext(*) [ZIP]
    o English text, from Norman Wolcott.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English PDF file, from John Stevens.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o German hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o German text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o German PDF and LaTeX files, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
  33. Nord contre Sud [NS] (1887)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French RTF file, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  34. Le Chemin de France [CF] (1887)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  35. Deux Ans de vacances [DV] (1888)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  36. Famille-sans-nom [FS] (1889)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
  37. Sans dessus dessous [SD] (1889; Topsy Turvy)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  38. César Cascabel [CL] (1890)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  39. Mistress Branican [MB] (1891)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  40. Le Château des Carpathes [CC] (1892; The Castle of the Carpathians )
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Phillipe Bægert. [ZIP]
    o French DOC file, from Bibliothèque Bagé
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Danish hypertext, from Kim N. Jensen.
    o Danish PDF file, from Kim N. Jensen.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  41. Claudius Bombarnac [CB] (1892; The Adventures of a Special Correspondent)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
  42. Mirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer [MA] (1893)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  43. P’tit-Bonhomme [PB] (1893)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  44. L’Île à hélice [IH] (1895)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o French text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  45. Face au drapeau [FD] (1896; Facing the Flag)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  46. Clovis Dardentor [CD] (1896)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  47. Le Sphinx des glaces [SG] (1897; An Antarctic Mystery)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext(*), etext by Peter Sippel. [ZIP]
    o English PDF, DVI, PS, and LaTeX files, from Lejf Rasmussen.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  48. Le Superbe Orénoque [SO] (1898)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  49. Le Testament d’un excentrique [TE] (1899)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Joseph Devouge-Ruvira.
  50. Seconde patrie [SP] (1900)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  51. Le Village aérien [VA] (1901; Village in the Treetops)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Dutch hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  52. Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin [HJ] (1901)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  53. Les Frères Kip [FK] (1902; The Kip Brothers)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  54. Bourses de voyage [BV] (1903; Travelling Scholarships)
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  55. Un Drame en Livonie [DL] (1904; Drama in Livonia)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  56. Maître du monde [MM] (1904; Master of the World)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext, from Virginia Tech. [ZIP]
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English PDF file, from John Stevens.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.
  57. Le Volcan d’or [CM] (1906; Volcano of Gold)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  58. La Chasse au météore [CM] (1908; Hunt For the Meteor)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  59. Le Pilote du Danube [PD] (1908; The Danube Pilot)
    o French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Russian hypertext, from Русский Текст.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Hungarian hypertext, from Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár.

II. Short Stories

  1. Un drame au Mexique [DM] (1851; Drama in Mexico)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), from Christian Sánchez.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  2. Un Drame dans les airs [DA] (1851)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  3. Martin Paz [MP] (1852)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Finnish text, from Project Gutenberg.
  4. Maître Zacharius [MZ] (1854)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  5. Un hivernage dans les glaces [HG] (1855; Winter in the Ice)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
  6. Les Forceurs de Blocus [FB] (1865; The Blockade Runners)
    o French hypertext, from Association @lyon.
    o French text, from L’Association des bibliophiles Universels.
    o French LaTeX source, from L’Association des bibliophiles Universels.
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o English hypertext, from University of Virginia.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Danish PDF file, from Lejf Rasmussen and Nils Bjørn.
    o Finnish text, from Project Gutenberg.
  7. Une fantaisie du Docteur Ox [DO] (1872)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o French PDF and DOC files, from Ebooks Libres & Gratuits.
    o Danish PDF file, from Lejf Rasmussen.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  8. Une ville idéale [AA] (1875)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  9. Les révoltés de la Bounty [RY] (1879)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from François-Xavier Féghali.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  10. Dix heures en chasse [DC] (1882)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, etext by Ariel Pérez and Garmt de Vries.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  11. Frritt-Flacc [FF] (1886; Dr. Trifulgas)
    o French hypertext, from Gilles Carpentier.
    o French hypertext, from Elisabeth Féghali.
    o English hypertext, from Anigmatic Tales.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  12. Gil Braltar [GB] (1887)
    o French hypertext, from Elisabeth Féghali.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
    o Russian hypertext(*), etext by Dima Aksutin.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  13. Un express de l’avenir [EF] (1888)
    o English text, from Project Gutenberg of Australia.
  14. Aventures de la famille Raton [FP] (1891)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  15. La journée d’un journaliste américain en 2890 [JN] (1891)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Christian Sánchez.
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from François-Xavier Féghali.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Christian Sánchez.
  16. Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol [MK] (1893)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  17. Au XXIXe siècle. La journée d’un journaliste américain en 2889 [JO] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), etext by Christian Sánchez. [ZIP]
    o English hypertext, from Project Gutenberg.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  18. Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol [MR] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from François-Xavier Féghali.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  19. Le Humbug. Moeurs américaines [HV] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  20. L’Éternel Adam [EL] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  21. La Destinée de Jean Morénas [DJ] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  22. La Famille Raton [FR] (1910)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from François-Xavier Féghali.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  23. Pierre-Jean [CJ] (1988)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  24. Le Mariage de Mr Anselme des Tilleuls [MT] (1991)
    o French hypertext(*), ms. edited and annotated by Jean-Michel Margot. [ZIP]
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
  25. Edom [ED] (1991)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.

III. Essays

  1. Edgar Poe et ses œuvres [EP] (1864)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), etext by Jean-François Buisson. [ZIP]
    o French text, from Jean-François Buisson.
    o Spanish hypertext, from Ariel Pérez.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  2. A propos du Géant [PG] (1863)
    o Illustrated French hypertext(*), etext by Ariel Pérez.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Christian Sánchez.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  3. Les méridiens et le calendrier [MC] (1873)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Garmt de Vries.
  4. 24 minutes en ballon [VQ] (1873)
    o Illustrated French hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
    o Illustrated Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  5. Souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse [SJ] (1890)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Garmt de Vries.

IV. Plays

  1. Un Fils adoptif [FA] (1853; The Adoptive Son)
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.
  2. Les Compagnons de la Marjolaine [CW] (1853; The Knights of the Daffodil)
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.
  3. Monsieur de Chimpanzé [MD] (1857; Mr. Chimpanzee)
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.
  4. Onze jours de siège [OJ] (1861; Eleven Days of Siege)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Ariel Pérez.
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.
  5. Les Enfants du capitaine Grant [EH] (1875; The Children of Captain Grant)
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.
  6. Michel Strogoff [MJ] (1880; Michael Strogoff)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Frédéric Viron. [ZIP]
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
    o English hypertext(*), translated and adapted by Frank J. Morlock.

V. Poems

  1. La vapeur (April 1847)
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
  2. La mort (December 1847)
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
  3. La lune (December 1847)
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
    o Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  4. Quand par le dur hiver (December 1849)
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
  5. À la morphine (March 1886)
    o French hypertext, from Frédéric Viron.
    o Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.
  6. Souvenirs d’Êcosse (1860)
    o Polish hypertext, from Andrzej Zydorczak.

VI. Speeches

  1. Une Ville idéale (December 1875)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Garmt de Vries and Ariel Pérez.
  2. Discours lors de l’inauguration du Cirque municipal (June 1889)
    o French hypertext(*), etext by Garmt de Vries and Ariel Pérez.

VII. Interviews

  1. Jules Verne at Home, by Robert H. Sherard (1894)
    o English hypertext(*).
    o French hypertext(*), trans. William Butcher.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
  2. Jules Verne at Home, by Marie A. Belloc (1895)
    o Illustrated English hypertext(*). [ZIP]
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
  3. Una visita a Jules Verne, by Edmondo de Amicis (1896)
    o English hypertext(*), etext by Arthur B. Evans.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Cristian Tello De La Cruz and Ariel Pérez.
  4. Jules Verne, by Adolphe Brisson (1898)
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
  5. Jules Verne Re-visited, by Robert H. Sherard (1903)
    o English hypertext(*).
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.
  6. Jules Verne at Home, by Gordon Jones (1904)
    o English hypertext(*), etext by Arthur B. Evans.
    o French hypertext(*), trans. William Butcher.
    o Spanish hypertext(*), trans. Ariel Pérez.


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