The Complete Jules Verne Bibliography

(work in progress)


Volker Dehs, Jean-Michel Margot & Zvi Har’El

IV. Other Novels

After Jules Verne’s death, his son Michel and his publisher Hetzel used most of the remaining manuscripts to publish the well-known posthumes novels. But Michel rewrote all of them, more or less. And, even, he wrote completely new novels, like L’Agence Thompson and C°, which was published under his father’s name. All the works Michel manipulated and transformed are classified under the Apocrypha.
  1. [PT] Un Prêtre en 1835. 21 chapters. Written in 1846/1847.
  2. [JJ] Jédédias Jamet ou L’Histoire d’une succession. 3 chapters with the last unfinished and two pages of notes about the end of the novel. Written in 1847.
  3. [VH] Voyage en Angleterre et en Ecosse (Voyage à reculons). 48 chapters, written in the Fall/Winter 1859-1860.
  4. [JM] Joyeuses Misères de trois voyageurs en Scandinavie. First chapter of a travel note, written in 1861. Unpublished manuscript, Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale. The manuscript was recently unveiled in GEO Hors-série Jules Verne, Paris, 2003.
  5. [PV] Paris au XXe siècle. 17 chapters, written in 1863.
  6. [OR] L’Oncle Robinson. 3 parts planned (only the first part written, in two slightly different versions, 24 chapters each), written in 1870-1871.
  7. [EM] En Magellanie (Au Bout du monde). 16 chapters, written between 1897-1898.
  8. [WI] Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz (L’Invisible, L’invisible Fiancée, Le Secret de Storitz). 19 chapters written in 1898.
  9. [VP] Le Volcan d’or (Le Klondyke). Two volumes (15 and 14 chapters), written in 1899-1900, completed in 1902.
  10. [BD] Le Beau Danube jaune. 16 chapters, written in 1901.
  11. [PW] Le Phare du bout du monde, 15 chapters written in 1901.
  12. [MQ] La Chasse au Météore (Le Bolide). 17 chapters, written in 1901.
  13. [VS] Voyage d’études. Four chapters and the beginning of a fifth one, written in 1903-1904.
  14. [VS] Une Ville Saharienne. Title of a file for a planned novel, written in 1903.
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Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2007/11/24 18:04:29 $