Page last modified: April 6, 2024

NOTE: These are the Pears and Pears-Like Editions, and links to their set descriptions. ..
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Grey Banner
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Gilt Title

Pears / Non-Pears Checklist

Book Sets/Series
Non-Pears' Grey Banner & Gilt Title Editions
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington

Sampson Low, Grey Banner & Gilt Title Editions - Non Pears'

2 of the Non-Pears', Pears-Like editions are the Grey Banner and the Gilt Title editions.

These seem to be the rarest of the Pears'-Like editions.

Only 5 titles in the GREY and 6 titles in the GILT have been documented (as of December 2022)

The Grey Banner, has a cover identical to the Pears' Banner Edition, except the colour of the cover is NOT Red., and there is NO Pears' ad on the back cover.

The Gilt Title, has a cover identical to the Pears' Plain Editiion, except the title is printed in Gilt, and the cover MAY not be Red, and there is NO Pears' ad on the Back cover.

The Grey Banner Edition, have publication dates between 1885 and 1889.

All titles in the Gilt Title Edition, have an 1891 date.

So, although both these editions have the potential to have 39 titles, only 5/6 titles have been seen in each edition.

The books have many colours:
Red, Brown, Blue, Light Green, Teal, Mustard Brown, Grey.

NON-Pears' - Grey Banner Cover

of 39 potential titles, only 5 are known!

Alphabetical Listing

    1. Adventures of Three Englishmen & Three Russians (1886)
    2. The Green Ray (1885)
    3. Mathias Sandorf - Part 1 (1889)
    4. Mathias Sandorf - Part 2 (1889)
    5. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1888)

Adventures of Three Englishmen & Three Russians

Mustard Brown
Adventures of Three Englishmen & Three Russians

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington

The Green Ray
A Romance of the Scottish Highlands

Mustard Brown
The Green Ray

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington

Mathias Sandorf, Part 1

Grey and Brown
Mathias Sandorf - part 1
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington

Mathias Sandorf - Part 2

Light Green and Teal
Mathias Sandorf - Part 2
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Light Green and Grey
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington

Author's Edition with Illustrations

Complete, 2 parts in 1

NON-Pears' - Gilt Title Cover

of 39 potential titles, only 6 are known!

Alphabetical Listing

  1. Around the Moon - nd
  2. Burbank the Northerner (1891)
  3. Clipper of the Clouds (1891)
  4. Flight to France (1891)
  5. Texar the Southerner (1891)
  6. The Vanished Diamond (1891)
Around the Moon

Around the Moon
Sampson Low, Marston & Company


Burbank the Northerner

North Against South, Part 1
Burbank the Northerner,
A Tale of the American Civil War

Sampson Low, Marston & Company


with a frontispiece + 12 plates

gilt lettering on cover and spine (not edges)

The Clipper of the Clouds

The Clipper of the Clouds
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd

New and Cheaper edition

7 illustrations

gilt lettering on cover and spine (not edges)

The Flight to France

The Flight to France
Sampson Low, Marston and Co

gilt lettering on cover and spine (not edges)

Texar the Southerner

North Against South, Part 2
A Tale of the American Civil War

Sampson Low, Marston & Company


with a frontispiece + 12 plates

gilt lettering on cover and spine (not edges)

The Vanished Diamond

The Vanished Diamond
Sampson Low, Marston & Company


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