Last updated: January 14, 2025

Les Enfants du Capitaine Grant - 1867
ou Voyage autour du Monde:

-L'Amèrique du Sud (Pt 1)
-L'Australie (Pt 2)
-L'Ocèan pacifique (Pt 3)

The Children of Captain Grant - 1873

177 illustrations Edouard Riou

[Voyages Extraordinaires #5 - 3 Volumes - Les Tours de Monde]

Image used with permission from
Project Jules Verne Illustrations by Bernhard Krauth,

KAPTAJN GRANTS BØRN - Captain Grant’s Children
A rare early Danish Toy theatre sheet, published by Alfred Jacobsen in 1880.
Jacobsen was a professional lithographic printer, with his own firm in Copenhagen.
Captain Grant’s Children was a success in the Casino Theatre in Copenhagen.
The figures on this sheet are portraits of the actors in their roles on stage.

... and the book received the "Disney" treatment!

(J-M Margot)
Jules Verne
Alternate English Titles: 
    The Children of Captain Grant
    In Search of the Castaways
    The Castaways; or, Adventures and Travels in South America, Australia and New Zealand
    Voyage Round the World: South America (Part 1 of 3 var. A)
    Voyage Round the World: Australia (Part 2 of 3 var. A)
    Voyage Round the World: New Zealand (Part 3 of 3 var. A)
    Round the World, South America (Part 1 of 3 var. B)
    Round the World, Australia (Part 2 of 3 var. B)
    Round the World, New Zealand (Part 3 of 3 var. B)
    Mysterious Document (Part 1 of 3 var. C)
    On the Track (Part 2 of 3 var. C)
    Among the Cannibals (Pt 3 of 3 var. C)

Plot Synopsis: 
(courtesy of D. Kytasaari -
The contents of a shark's stomach contain a bottle that holds notes written in three different languages. Much of the notes are indecipherable; however, together they may reveal the location of the whereabouts of Captain Harry Grant, whose ship the Britannia was lost over two years ago. While the latitude of Grant is known from the note, the longitude is a mystery. Clues from the notes point to the South American coast as the probable location of the shipwreck. Lord Glenarvan makes it his quest to find Grant; together with his wife, Harry Grant's children (Mary and Robert) and the crew of his yacht the Duncan they set off for South America. An unexpected passenger in the form of French geographer Jacques Paganel joins the search.

The search takes them where the 37th degree of south latitude crosses the South American continent. Crossing the continent from west to east, they travel through Chile and Argentina (Patagonia), with no luck, when Paganel realizes that part of the clue must actually mean Australia. So they go to where the 37th degree begins crossing Australia, there by chance they meet a man who claims his name is Thomas Ayrton, former quartermaster of the Britannia. Ayrton takes them across the Australian continent, with plans of his own to seize control of the Duncan. Ayrton's treachery makes the party believe that he has gained control of the Duncan. Dejected that their search of Australia did not turn up Captain Grant, the adventurers travel to New Zealand via a ship that barely seems sea-worthy. The vessel wrecks along the New Zealand coast. The party's attempt to get to Auckland gets them captured by the Maoris, a tribe of cannibals at war with the English and disinterested in keeping the prisoners alive.

Ed: Read Summer 2019 - D. A. Sample (private) Translation

Book Collecting Information:

Hetzel Editions:

This listing contains ALL Jules Verne Encyclopedia bibliographic entries for this book.

Ed Note: This is one of Verne's books that Sampson Low never published !!
The First UK Edition trails the US Edition by 3 years!!!

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"This is one of the few Jules Verne works which Sampson Low never published.|

First UK Editon - Ward, Lock & Tyler
- cloth gilt as per JVE:
Technically THE first by "months" BUT NOT fully illustrated
= January & March 1876

Part 1 - The Mysterious Document - nd (January 1876)

Part 2 - On the Track - nd (January 1876)

Above images courtesy of SF&F Books Unlimited

Above book can be purchased from Puddletown Bookshop

Part 3 - Among the Cannibals - nd (March 1876)

**** All three parts are undated *****

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In January 1876, Ward, Lock and Tyler published the first two parts of this trilogy, entitled The Mysterious Document and On the Track. In March 1876, Ward, Lock published Among the Cannibals, the third and final part. All three volumes were issued in The Youth's Library of Wonders and Adventures, priced one shilling per volume, in picture wrappers, with three colored pictures, or cloth gilt, priced at 2s."

This translation opens:
"On the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along before a N. E. wind in the North Channel."

The below is an ad for The Mysterious Document appearing in:
The Freeman's Journal, Dublin Ireland - Fri Jan 7, 1876
(Note: no publisher is listed - but price is 1s)

Part 1
Mysterious Document

nd (January 1876)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure

Part 2
On the Track

nd (January 1876)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

Color frontispiece and color plate.
179 pages
2 pages of ads at front
12 pages of ads at rear.

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure

Red images courtesy of SF&F Books Unlimited
Brown images courtesy of Puddletown Bookshop

Part 3
Among the Cannibals

nd (March 1876)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure

A listing for Among the Cannibals, Ward & Lock has been seen in The Bookseller, April 4, 1876, saying "for the month of March 1876".

(See Next) First UK Editon
- Ward, Lock & Tyler
- In Picture wrappers as per JVE,
Technically THE first by "months"
= January & March 1876

but until seen, the Jules Verne Library (see explanation next entry) will be considered tied as 1st UK in wraps!

NOTE: Both the Youth's Library AND the Jules Verne Library MAY have co-existed

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In January 1876, Ward, Lock and Tyler published the first two parts of this trilogy, entitled The Mysterious Document and On the Track. In March 1876, Ward, Lock published Among the Cannibals, the third and final part. All three volumes were issued in The Youth's Library of Wonders and Adventures, priced one shilling per volume, in picture wrappers, with three colored pictures, or cloth gilt, priced at 2s."
(same entry as above)

Part 1: Mysterious Document
nd (January 1876)

Part 2: On the Track
nd (January 1876)

Part 3: Among the Cannibals
nd (March 1876)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Youth's Library of Wonders and Adventures

First UK Editon
- Ward, Lock & Tyler
- In Picture wrappers as per JVE, but Jules Verne Library (see explanation to the right)

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

This listing may be concurrent with the "in wraps" mentioned above, as of this point (March 2019) I have NOT seen any version of "The Youth's Library of Wonders and Adventures." in Wraps!

NOTE: Both the Youth's Library AND the Jules Verne Library MAY have co-existed

BUT through Jules Verne detective work, I am prepared to hazard, that the "Yellowbacks" to the left are from 1876, and therefore are the 1st in Wraps UK version of The Children of Captain Grant! At the least they are pre 1878 because of "Tyler", and most likely 1876 because of the following evidence!

Here is the evidence:
A series of these in wraps Yellowbacks were discovered that were bound, 2 to a book, into leather-covered hardcovers.

1. Among the Cannibals, was bound together with a Sampson and Low A Floating City, dated 1876.

2. I found an ad from 1875, London, that states: There is now a cheap "Jules Verne Library" edition on our book-stalls, published by Messrs. Ward, Lock and Tyler; .... no less than seven seperate works by this extraordinarily industrious writer

London, The Examiner, Sat, Dec 4, 1875

3. An ad IN Among the Cannibals, that lists 7 titles in the Jules Verne Library series! The details say: Post 8vo, fancy wrapper, 1s; cloth, cut flush, 1s 6d; cloth gilt, 2s.
These yellowback would be the "fancy wrapper " at 1s.

Thank you to Philip Hollaway (my Wark Lock expert) who helped with the research.

ALL the following Yellowbacks are: 1 Shilling, and Ward, Lock, & Tyler, Paternoster Row, London, Jules Verne Library

Part 1
Mysterious Document

nd (?January 1876?)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Jules Verne Library


Part 2
On the Track

nd (?January 1876?)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Jules Verne Library


Part 3
Among the Cannibals

nd (?March 1876?)
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The Jules Verne Library


First Fully Illustrated UK Editon - George Routledge:
"Deluxe PLUS" Edition = Extra Gilt on Spine
Technically NOT the First Edition by "months"
= April 1876 - BUT fully illustrated

Part 1 - 1876 - South America

Above: Note Spine, Gilt Men on Horseback, and "South America"

Part 2 - 1877 - Australia

Above: Note Spine, Gilt Kangaroo and "Australia"

Part 3 - 1877 - New Zealand

Above: Note Spine, Gilt People and "New Zealand"

Deluxe "PLUS" Edition
*** Identified here, October 21, 2023 ***

Technically, this was published starting in April 1876, so is ONLY months later than the Ward, Lock & Tyler above.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Beginning in April 1876, George Routledge published this work in a three-volume edition, entitled Voyage Round the World, with the subtitles Australia, New Zealand, and South America. These books are fully illustrated, with earlier editions pictorially bound, and later editions bound in decorative cloth."

This is a different translation from previous ones.
This translation opens:
"On the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along the North Channel at full speed, with a strong breeze blowing from the N. E."

"Deluxe PLUS" Edition = Gilt on cover and on Spine, with more Gilt on spine than "Deluxe"!

Part 1:
A Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

312 pages

71 illustrations

Part 2:
A Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

Part 3:
A Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

264 pages + 16 pg adverts
46 illustrations

There are 2 other sets of these volumes with

  • Reduced Gilt on Spine, and Gilt on the Cover (Deluxe Edition)
  • Reduced Gilt on Spine and NO Gilt on the Cover (Standard Edition)
First Fully Illustrated UK Editon - George Routledge:
"Deluxe" Edition
Technically NOT the First Edition by "months"
= April 1876 - BUT fully illustrated

Part 1 - 1876 - South America

Part 2 - 1877 - Australia

A Blue Cover at harvard University

Above 2 images courtesy of SF&F Books Unlimited

Part 3 - 1877 - New Zealand

Deluxe Edition

Technically, this was published starting in April 1876, so is ONLY months later than the Ward, Lock & Tyler above.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Beginning in April 1876, George Routledge published this work in a three-volume edition, entitled Voyage Round the World, with the subtitles Australia, New Zealand, and South America. These books are fully illustrated, with earlier editions pictorially bound, and later editions bound in decorative cloth."

This is a different translation from previous ones.
This translation opens:
"On the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along the North Channel at full speed, with a strong breeze blowing from the N. E."

"Deluxe" Edition = Gilt on cover and on Spine

Part 1:
A Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

312 pages

71 illustrations

Part 2:
A Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

"Australia" Images courtesy of SF&F Books Unlimited

Part 3:
A Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

264 pages + 16 pg adverts
46 illustrations

There are 2 other sets of these volumes with

  • Additional Gilt on Spine, and Gilt on the Cover (Deluxe PLUS Edition)
  • Reduced Gilt on Spine and NO Gilt on the Cover (Standard Edition)
First Fully Illustrated UK Editon - George Routledge
"Standard" Edition = NO Gilt on Cover
Technically NOT the First Edition by "months"
= April 1876

Part 1 - 1876 - South America

Part 2 - 1877 - Australia

Part 3 - 1877 - New Zealand

Standard Edition

Technically, this was published starting in April 1876, so is ONLY months later than the Ward, Lock & Tyler above.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Beginning in April 1876, George Routledge published this work in a three-volume edition, entitled Voyage Round the World, with the subtitles Australia, New Zealand, and South America. These books are fully illustrated, with earlier editions pictorially bound, and later editions bound in decorative cloth."
(same entry as above)

"Standard" Edition = NO Gilt on cover, but still Gilt on Spine

Part 1:
A Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

312 pages

71 illustrations

Part 2:
A Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

Part 3:
A Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

264 pages
46 illustrations

There are 2 other sets of these volumes with

  • Same Gilt on Spine, and Gilt on the Cover (Deluxe Edition)
  • Additional Gilt on Spine and Gilt on Cover (Deluxe PLUS Edition)
First US Edition:

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"On May24, 187, J. B. Lippincott copyrghted it as In Search of the Castaways, with two deposit copies received at the Library of Congress on June 4, 1873. The book was first announced in the Publishers' Weekly on July 5, 1873. The year 1873 is printed on the title page of this volume, which is complete with all three parts and over 170 illustrations by Riou in one volume. The front cover and spine of this edition are very decorative with gilt and black design stamping."

This translation opens:
"On the 26th of July, 1864, under a strong gale from the northeast, a magnificent yacht was steaming at full speed through the waves of the North Channel."

In Search of the Castaways
J. B. Lippincott and Co.

620 pages
170 engravings

Terra cotta, Green, Blue cloth
Gilt and plain edges noted
4 pages of adverts at rear of the book

Ed Note: This is an ALL 3 parts in one volume. A very thick book.

Other Editions:
Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"A virtually identical edition was published with 1874 appearing on the title page."

In Search of the Castaways
J. B. Lippincott and Co.

Ed Note: This is an ALL 3 parts in one volume. A very thick book.

1877 (All Parts dated)
Technically NOT the First Edition by "months"
= December 1876

Part 1 - 1877 - South America

Part 2 - 1877 - Australia

Part 3 - 1877 - New Zealand

Technically NOT the First Edition by "months"
= December 1876

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"During the same period, Routledge also published this work in three editions of Every Boy's Annual in serial form. These Routledge editions are described in the December 25, 1876, issue of The Times of London."

*** THIS book available in Deluxe (Gilt Edges, Bevelled Cover)
and Standard (NO Gilt Edges and NO Bevel on cover ) ***

Part 1:
A Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

Every Boys Library

Below, same DATE as the UK 1st illustrated edition
Part 2:
A Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

284 pages

Every Boys Library

Below, same DATE as the UK 1st illustrated edition
Part 3:
A Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

264 pages

Every Boys Library

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"The Lakeside Librarty published by Donnelley, Loyd and Company of Chicago issued a quarto edition of The Castaways in the mid-1870s.

The Lakeside Library

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"By November 24, 1877, Donnelley offered this title as part of the Boys' Winter Evening Library."

The Lakeside Library

Part 1 - South America

Part 2 - Australia

Part 3 - New Zealand

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"The Seaside Library published by George Munro of New York issued their illustrated quarto edition of The Castaways: or A Voyage Around the World in three parts within a matter of days. On September 11, 1877, South America was issued as number 57, followed the next day by Australia issued as number 60, and finally on September 17, New Zealand was issued as number 64. This is the same translation as the one published by Routledge. However, no pocket edition followed."

NOTE: These 3 Seaside Library editions, have the George Munro address of:
Nos. 17 to 27 Vandewater Street, New York
SO they ARE the first printing of this Seaside!

The Castaways; or A Voyage Around the World:
South America

George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 57 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

No Illustrations

The Castaways; or A Voyage Around the World:

George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 60 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

No Illustrations

The Castaways; or A Voyage Around the World:
New Zealand

George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 64 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

No Illustrations

Images Courtesy of Dana Eales

nd - NOT 1877 cause of Munro Address

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"The Seaside Library published by George Munro of New York issued their illustrated quarto edition of The Castaways: or A Voyage Around the World in three parts within a matter of days. On September 11, 1877, South America was issued as number 57, followed the next day by Australia issued as number 60, and finally on September 17, New Zealand was issued as number 64. This is the same translation as the one published by Routledge. However, no pocket edition followed."

NOTE: These 3 Seaside Library editions, have the George Munro address of:
Nos. 21, 23 and 25 Vanderwater Street, New York
SO they are not the first printing, like the above Munro entry!

A Voyage Around the World: South America
George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 57 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

A Voyage Around the World: Australia
George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 60 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

A Voyage Around the World: New Zealand
with A Floating City

George Munro
New York

Vol III, No. 64 - 10 cents
Seaside Library

Below are the 3 images from these Seaside Library editions:

All 3 parts - Collection Andrew Nash

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In collaboration with Adolphe d'Ennery, Jules Verne dramatized his novel for French theatergoers as a five-act play. Their effort inspired several American stage adaptations of the novel. As Jules verne's stories became best-selling books, plays, based on his books became box-office hits on Broadway and across the United States in the late 1870s and 1880s.

On June 6, 1878, Edmund Gerson of New York copyrighted the dramatization called The Children of Captain Grant; or, The Castaways.

On January 23, 1879, Charles R. Gardiner of New York copyrighted the dramatization called The Children of Captain Grant.

On November 5, 1880, Eugene Tompkins of Boston copyrighted the dramatization called Voyagers in Southern Seas; or, The Children of Captain Grant."

Part 1 - nd - South America
Not Shown

Part 2 - nd - Australia

Part 3 - 1877(?) - New Zealand

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Not shown Part 1
A Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge

Every Boys Library

Part 2
A Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge

284 pages

Every Boys Library

Part 3
A Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

1877(?) - definitely dated, could be 1878
George Routledge

Every Boys Library

1876 This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Every Boy's Annual
Voyage Round the World: South America - Part 1

George Routledge

1877 This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Every Boy's Annual
Voyage Round the World: Australia - Part 2

George Routledge

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Every Boy's Annual
Voyage Round the World: New Zealand - Part 3

George Routledge

printed in 8 parts!

nd - but by Nov 1877

The Castaways; or, Adventures and Travels in South America, Australia and New Zealand
nd - Vol 4, No. 111-112 Double Number
Donnelley, Loyd & Co. Publishers
The Lakeside Building,

The Lakeside Library

An advertisement in the Savannah Reporter, page 7
Fri Nov 30, 1877 lists The Castaways No. 111-112, so either published or being published soon.

nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler")
Myasterious Document

On the Track
This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Mysterious Document
nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler" )
Ward, Lock and Tyler

Botton of spine says Dodd, Mead & Co.

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure.
The Jules Verne Startling Stories.

Ed: This is a Hybrid Volume
Title page Ward, Lock and Tyler / Dodd, Mead & Co. on spine

On the Track
nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler" )
Ward, Lock and Tyler

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure.
The Jules Verne Startling Stories.

No. 6 of 12 listed titles

Botton of spine says Dodd, Mead & Co.

Ed: This is a Hybrid Volume
Title page Ward, Lock and Tyler / Dodd, Mead & Co. on spine

coloured Frontispiece + 2 other coloured illustrations

small 8vo

nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler")

The spine!:
This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Not Shown - The Mysterious Document
nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler" )
Ward, Lock, and Tyler
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

No. 5 on list of  "The Jules Verne Library"

Not Shown - On the Track
nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler" )
Ward, Lock, and Tyler
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

No. 6 on list of  "The Jules Verne Library"

Among the Cannibals
nd (1878 or earlier due to "Tyler" )
Ward, Lock, and Tyler
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

Bottom of spine has a Monogram for Dodd, Mead & Co.

No. 7 on list of  "The Jules Verne Library"

Ed: This is a Hybrid Volume
Title page Ward, Lock and Tyler / Dodd, Mead & Co. on spine

inside, an ad for:

The Jules Verne Library

The ad reads:
The Jules Verne Library
Post 8vo., fancy wrapper, 1s; cloth, cut flush, 1s 6d.; cloth gilt, 2s.

  1. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  2. The English at the North Pole
  3. The Ice Desert
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  5. The Mysterious Document
  6. On the Track
  7. Among the Cannibals

London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, Warwick House
Paternoster-row, E. C.

Collection Andrew Nash

nd - 1879 or later due to NO "Tyler"

Part 3
Among the Cannibals

nd (1879 or later - cause NO "Tyler")
Ward, Lock and Co
Warwick House

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure

nd - inscribed 1880

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Part 1
The Mysterious Document

Ward, Lock & Co.,
London: Warwick House, Salisbury Square
New York; Bond Street

Jules Verne Library

Part 2
On the Track

nd - inscribed 1880
Ward, Lock & Co.

179 pages
several pages of ads in back

Colour frontis

blk/white vignettes at beginnings of chapters

12mo. 5 3/4"x6 3/4"

Jules Verne Library

Part 3
Among the Cannibals

Ward. Lock & Co.

Jules Verne Library

nd - 1 part inscribed 1884

Part 1 - Mysterious Document

Part 2 - On the Track

Part 3 - Among the Cannibals

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Not Shown Part 1
Mysterious Document

Ward, Lock & Co.

Yellowback (version of above hardback Jules Verne Library?)

Part 2
On the Track

nd - inscribed 1884
Ward, Lock & Co.

179 pages + advertising

colour frontis

Yellowback (version of above hardback Jules Verne Library?)

This book may be purchased from:
Anah Dunsheath RareBooks ABA ANZAAB ILAB (Auckland, NZ*, New Zealand)
(2019, February)

Part 3
Among the Cannibals

Ward. Lock & Co.

Yellowback (version of above hardback Jules Verne Library?)

This book may be purchased from:
Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, Australia (2019, February)

nd - circa 1880

On the Track
nd - circa 1880
Ward, Lock and Co,
London & New York

Price: Sixpence

179 pages

massive catalogue in the rear

Arthur Edwards Collection
BK Collection
Collection Andrew Nash
(this copy highly restored)

circa 1880

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

A Voyage Round the World, New Zealand
nd (circa 1880)
George Routledge & Sons

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"... J. B. L:ippincott ... Later reprint editions were published in the 1880s, bound in various colors of cloth"


Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In November 1880, J. B. Lippincott reprinted In Search of the Castaways, with "1881" appearing n the title page. This volume is slightly smaller in size, with a front cover that shows two men on a raft at sea as the sun sets on the horizon."

In Search of the Castaways
but on the title page:
A Voyage Round The World
In Search of The Castaways:
A Romantic Narrative
of the
Loss of Captain Grant of the Brig Brittania.
And of
The adventures of his children and friends in his discovery and rescue

J P Lippincott & Co.

170 Engravings

nd (1885)


This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

A Voyage Round the World:
South America., Australia, New Zealand

nd (1885)
George Routledge & Sons

bevelled boards

Title pages for each of the 3 sections

All 3 volumes in 1

S = Image courtesy of Sumner and Stillman

nd-ad 1888

This edition is not specifically referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Part 2
A Voyage Round the World - Australia

nd - ad 1888
George Rourledge and Sons
London, Glascow and New York


front endpapers

rear endpapers

Beginning of 20 page catalogue
A Voyage Round the World - New Zealand
George Routledge and Sons
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
New York: 9, Lafayette PlaceLondon and New York

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Verne's Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons

Verne's Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons

Verne's Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons

nd - 1880s (inscribed 1895)
Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Later reprint editions were published in the 1880s.... some redesigned to picture a glowing white star on the front cover."

In Search of the Castaways
nd (inscribed 1895)
J B Lippincott & Co

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons
London, Glascow & New York

Not Shown Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons
London, Glascow & New York

Not Shown Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons
London, Glascow & New York

nd - post 1891

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Not shown Mysterious Document
Ward, Lock and Bowden

Victorian Verne Vignette Cover

On the Track
nd (1892)
Ward, Lock and Bowden

179 pages, 11 page book list,
1 page ad and 32-page book catalogue

Victorian Verne Vignette Cover

Among the Cannibals
Ward, Lock and Bowden

Victorian Verne Vignette Cover

No Date, but 1891 or after based on the Bowden on the title page.

Part 1 - nd - South America

Part 2 - nd - Australia

Part 3 - nd - New Zealand

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Every Boys Library Series

Ed: I incorrectly call this the "Pansy" edition

Part 1
Voyage Round the World:
South America

George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

Part 2
Voyage Round the World:

George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

Part 3
Voyage Round the World:
New Zealand

George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

The Mysterious Document
Ward, Lock
nd (circa 1900)

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In October 1899, and into the next century, Ward, Lock published The Mysterious Document, On the Track, and Among the Cannibals, which have frontispieces by Henry Austin."

Among the Cannibals
(Children of Captain Grant
complete in 1 volume)
nd (copies inscribed 1905 + 1907)
Ward, Lock & Co., Limited,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E. C.
New York and Melbourne

Part of a 5 Volume Set, with Henry Austin Illustrations

3 B+W Illustrations by Henry Austin (incl Frontice)

The Fronticepiece is replicated on the cover



Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"About the turn of the century, Richard Butterworth & Co. published an unillustrated edition of Among the Cannibals, derived from the Ward, Lock translation, decorated in green cloth, 192 pages."

JVE does not mention The Mysterious Document or On the Track by Butterworth!

The Mysterious Document
nd (circa 1910)
Richard Butterworth

On the Track
Not Shown
nd (?)
Richard Butterworth and Co

Among the Cannibals
nd (?)
Richard Butterworth and Co


Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"About the turn of the century, Richard Butterworth & Co. published an unillustrated edition of Among the Cannibals, derived from the Ward, Lock translation, decorated in green cloth, 192 pages."
(same entry as above)

JVE does not mention The Mysterious Document or On the Track by Butterworth!

The Mysterious Document
Richard Butterworth and Co

On the Track
nd (?)
Richard Butterworth and Co

Gilt title and Non-gilt title

Among the Cannibals
nd (?)
Richard Butterworth and Co

Part 1 - Mysterious Document

Part 2 - On the Track

Part 3 - Among the Cannibals

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

The Mysterious Document
Richard Butterworth and Co

On the Track
Richard Butterworth and Co

Among the Cannibals
Richard Butterworth and Co

Part 1 - Mysterious Document

Part 2 - On the Track

Part 3 - Among the Cannibals

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Part 1
The Mysterious Document

Ward Lock & Co

Jules Verne Series (Sea Serpent)

Part 2
On the Track

Ward Lock & Co

Jules Verne Series (Sea Serpent)

Part 3
Among the Cannibals

Ward Lock & Co

Jules Verne Series (Sea Serpent)

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Around November 1905, Lippincott reprinted In Search of the Castaways, without a date appearing on the title page. This volume has a front cover that shows two parrots back-to-back sitting on an anchor. On November 11, 1905, this book was favorably discussed in the New York Times.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1911, Vincent Parke and Company published the fifteen-volume set, Works of Jules Verne, edited and introduced by Charles F. Horne. Volume four contains the translation of all three parts of In Search of the Castaways from the edition of this work published by Routledge."

Click to see a FULL description of the MANY editions of this set of Jules Verne books.

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

In Search of the Castaways
J B Lippincott

Ed Note: Added Nov 2019

This book has a Jules Verne "mate", and IT has a dustjacket:
An Antarctic Mystery

nd - circa 1901 or after

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

In Search of the Castaways:
A Romantic Narrative
of the
Loss of Captain Grant of the Brig Britannia
and of
The Adventures of his Children and Friends
in his Discovery and Rescue

nd - circa 1901
J. B. Lippincott Company

Illustrated with One Hundred and Seventy Engravings

The back of the title page has a Copyright date of 1873
BUT that is NOT the date of publication!!!

Ed: This cover was used on The Cruise of the Pretty Polly,
W Clark Russell, and it is dated 1901.
The cover makes MORE sense for that title (i.e. Polly = Parrot !)
so PROBABLY came first!

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In June 1938, Ward, Lock published Mysterious Document in the Royal Series edition iwth 192 pages, priced at 1s."

The Mysterious Document (Part 1)
Ward Lock & Co.

with Dustjacket

Cloud and Sun Series

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In June 1939, Ward Lock published On the Track in the Royal Series edition, with 189 pages, priced at 1s."

On the Track (Part 2)
Ward Lock & Co.

Royal Series No. 73

189 pages (or 179!)

with Dustjacket

Cloud and Sun Series

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In August 1935, Ward Lock published Among the Cannibals in a cheaper edition, with 192 pages, priced at 1s."

Among the Cannibals (Part 3)
Ward Lock & Co.
London & Melbourne

The Royal-Series - Vol. 55

with Dustjacket

Cloud and Sun Series

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1963, with the release of Walt Disney's film by the same title, K. K. Publications in cooperation with Golden Press, issued the Gold Key Classic comic book version of In Search of the Castaways."

Walt Disney Presents
Jules Verne's
In Search of the Castaways

Gold Key Classic,
Walt Disney Presents, #10048-303 


This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

In Search of the Castaways
Purnel Book Services

Dustjacket shown

Red cloth

picture book telling the story of the movie

Collection Andrew Nash

Many Movie tie-ins

Coloring Book

Sheet Music

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1964, I. O. Evan's highly abridged translation of this work was published in the Fitzroy Edition in two volumes, entitled The Mysterious Document (part 1) with the first half of On the Track, 189 pages, and Among the Cannibals (part 3) with the second half of On the Track, 188 pages, priced at $3 in America (Associated Booksellers), and 12s6d in Great Britain (ARCO) each."

The Mysterious Document (Pt 1)
ARCO Publications

Among the Cannibals (Pt 2)
ARCO Publications

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1964, I. O. Evan's highly abridged translation of this work was published in the Fitzroy Edition in two volumes, entitled The Mysterious Document (part 1) with the first half of On the Track, 189 pages, and Among the Cannibals (part 3) with the second half of On the Track, 188 pages, priced at $3 in America (Associated Booksellers), and 12s6d in Great Britain (ARCO) each."
(same entry as above)

The Mysterious Document (Pt 1)
nd - copyright 1964
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn

189 pages

0 illustrations

Opposite the Title page is a list of 35 titles in The Fitzroy Edition (ending with Mysterious Document and Among)

Back of dustjacket an ad for The Fitzroy Edition
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn.

Fitzroy Edition
Dustjacket clipped (3.95 in ink)

Collection Andrew Nash

Among the Cannibals (Pt 2)
nd - copyright 1964
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn

188 pages

0 illustrations

Opposite the Title page is a list of 35 titles in The Fitzroy Edition (ending with Among the Cannibals)

Copyright 1964 in England by
Associated Booksellers

Back of the dustjacket is an ad for The Fitzroy Edition
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn.

Fitzroy Edition
Dustjacket clipped (3.95 in pencil)

Collection Andrew Nash


Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In the mid-1960s, Icon published Among the Cannibals, priced at 3s6d."

I assume the book to the left is the bok referenced above, since it is published by ICON

Jules Verne's Among the Cannibals
Films as Walt Disney's
In Search of the Castaways


paperback movie tie-in

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1978, Pocket Books published In Search of the Castaways, based on the screenplay written by Lowell S. Hawley for Walt Disney's film, adapted by Hettie Jopnes, 189 pages."

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1987, Derrydale Books published Classic Adventure Stories, which had been copyrighted by Pressburo Junior in 1974. This collection of stories, adapted from various authors, includes a faithful and absorbing condensation of Captain Grant's Children, in 33 pages with numerous interesting color illustrations."

The following editions were published after the publication date of the Jules Verne Encyclopedia

New translation announced, 2015

Mentioned in Verniana Volume 7 (2014–2015), Alex Kirstukas is currently completing work on a new translation of Verne’s Les Enfants du capitaine Grant

In the Jules Verne forum email group
(Thu 11/29/2018), Alex reported:
"I did indeed do a complete translation a few years ago, with annotations and background research, though it hasn't found a publisher yet."

This translation opens:
"On 26 July 1864, as a strong breeze blew in from the northeast, a magnificent yacht moved at full steam on the waters of the North Channel."

Alex Kirstukas is a member of the North American Jules Verne Society and translated the 2017 edition of Robur the Conqueror, published by Wesleyan University Press


New translation announced, Nov 2018

On November 28, 2018, Don Sample announced in the Jules Verne Forum mailbox group:
"It has come to my attention recently just how much has been chopped out of the available English translations of Jules Verne's "The Children of Captain Grant", AKA "In Search of the Castaways."

I have begun a project to rectify this, and produce an unabridged version of the book. I've completed my first pass through the first section, South America, and have made it available"

He shared both a .zip file with the HTML, and an ePub version.

This translation opens:
"On the 26th of July, 1864, in a strong north-east breeze, a magnificent yacht was steaming over the waves of the North Channel."

On January 14, 2019, he announced that Part 2 Australia was available.

On February 16, 3029, he announced that Part 3 New Zealand was available.

His translation method is described by him as:

"I am using multiple sources for this translation, all obtainable from Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, and Google Books. The first and most important, is the original French text.
The next is the 1877 three volume Routledge edition, scans of which are available in the Internet Archive, and Google Books...... The next is the version published in 1874 by J. B. Lippincott & Co......Another English translation is from 1911 by Charles F. Horne...

... I rely on Google Translate a lot when creating this. My basic process is to start with whatever seems to be the best version of a chapter from one of the earlier English translations and compare that with what Google tells me the French version says. Then I start editing and , cross referencing with the other English translations......"


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