Last updated: January 14, 2025

Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras - 1866

Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras - 1875

[Voyages Extraordinaires #2 - 2 Volumes - Les Terres Polaires]

Ed: The French editions of Captain Hatteras, had a prologue, written by Jules-Pierre Hetzel, Publisher, descripbing the purpose of the Voyages Extraordinaires.

Image used with permission from
Project Jules Verne Illustrations by Bernhard Krauth,

(J-M Margot)
Jules Verne

Alternate English Titles: 

    Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
    Adventures of Captain Hatteras (The)
    At the North Pole (Part 1 of 2 - var. A1)
    To the North Pole
    Captain Hatteras; or The English at the North Pole
    English at the North Pole (Part 1 of 2 - var. A2)
    English at the North Pole & Ice Desert
    Field of Ice (The ) (Part 2 of 2 - var. A1&A2)
    Ice Desert (The) (Part 2 of 2 - var. B)
    Journey to the North Pole (A) (Part 1 of 2 - Var. B)
    Tales of Adventure
    The Desert of Ice (Part 2 of 2 - Var. C)
    Wilderness of Ice (Part 2 of 2 - Var. )

Plot Synopsis: 
(courtesy of D. Kytasaari -

Richard Shandon and Dr. Clawbonny both receive letters from an unknown party inviting them to accompany an expedition, the destination unknown. Shandon as the chief officer is also empowered to assemble the crew and pay for the construction of the ship for this adventure, the Forward. The completed ship receives its orders, to go north towards Melville Bay. The ship heads north, but as of yet the Captain has not made his appearance. Eventually a member of the crew reveals himself to be Captain John Hatteras. And his goal is for their British crew to be the first to reach the North Pole. When things don't go as Hatteras thought they would, the crew (including Shandon) mutinies and destroys the ship. This occurs while Hatteras and others are attempting to find supplies that might have been left behind by a previous expedition; instead they only find the one survivor of an American expedition. Finding the ship destroyed upon their return, Hatteras, Clawbonny and remaining crew makes a boat out of the ships remains and continue in their attempt to reach the pole.

Ed: Read March/April 2021 - Sampson Low Translation

Book Collecting Information:
Hetzel Editions:
First English Edition (Serial)
Serialized between Dec 1873 and Nov 1874

(Below is just an example
NOT the actual volume)

(Above is just an example
NOT the actual volume)

Not mentioned in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

*** This has not been seen! It may be in
The Young Gentleman's Magazine

The English at the North Pole (Part 1 of Captain Hatteras)
Published in:
Every Boy's Magazine
1874 Annual (Serials from year 1873-74)
George Routledge and Sons

Hardbound as: Every Boy's Annual

See Every Boys' Annual

First English Edition (Serial)
Serialized between Dec 1874 and Nov 1875

(Below is just an example
NOT the actual volume)

(Above is just an example
NOT the actual volume)

Not mentioned in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

The Field of Ice (Part 2 of Captain Hatteras)
Published in:
Every Boy's Magazine
1875 Annual (Serials from year 1874-75)
George Routledge and Sons

Hardbound as: Every Boy's Annual

See Every Boys' Annual

First UK Editon - Part 1 - Variant A (due to Spine design - Shield design)
1875 - A Journey to the North Pole

Variant A
Part 1:
A Journey to the North Pole

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

with 129 Illustrations by Riou

Pictorial Red , Green and Blue cloth

1st and 3rd Cover Images (green and brick) courtesy of Sumner and Stillman

First UK Editon - Part 1 - Variant B (due to Spine design - Penguins?)
1875 - A Journey to the North Pole

Variant B
Part 1:
A Journey to the North Pole

George Routledge and Sons

129 Illustrations

Pictorial Green cloth

Ed: See Field of Ice, 1876, in "Other Editions" below
for Variant B's Volume 2 mate!!

First UK Edition - Part 1 Variant A (due to Spine design) as
1875 - The English at the North Pole

Part 1: Variant A (due to Spine design )
The English at the North Pole

1875 (inscr Xmas 1874)
George Routledge and Sons

Green copy has an inscription Xmas 1874
SO this is definitely a 1st Edition to rival A Journey to the North Pole, above, with the same cover,

129 Illustrations

Frontispiece & 24 full page b&w illustrations
and 129 b&w vignettes

This IS getting confusing!
Routledge put out the First part using BOTH alternatives
to the name:
- A Journey to the North Pole
- The English at the North Pole
AND they use the same cover design except the title
AND they are both dated 1875 !!!

First UK Edition - Part 1 Variant B (due to Spine design - Penguins?) as
1875 - The English at the North Pole

Part 1: Variant B (due to Spine design )
The English at the North Pole

George Routledge and Sons

129 Illustrations

Frontispiece & 24 full page b&w illustrations
and 129 b&w vignettes

First UK Editon - Part 2

Part 2:
The Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons

126 Illustrations

Pictorial Red and Blue cloth

1st 2 Images (red x 2) courtesy of Sumner and Stillman

First UK Edition - Part 1

I think this is possibly TIED for 1st along with the Routledge above!

Currently for sale here.

This edition is not specifially referenced by the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Part 1: The English at the North Pole
nd (at least Dec 1875)
Ward, Lock & Tyler
Warwick House, Paternoster Row

Inscribed Feb 18, 1876

The Jules Verne Library

An announcement, in The Bookseller, Jan 4, 1876:
"From Messrs. Ward, Lock and Tyler:
The English at the North Pole, being part of the Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras, and now published in the well-printed series of shilling books in illuminated paper covers, known as the "Jules Verne Library"."
Does this imply there is a Wraps version of this?

Blue cover

248 pages + 8 pages of ads

No. 2 in the Jules Verne Library ad (see further below)

London, The Examiner, Sat, Dec 4, 1875

The ad in this volume:
Note: Catalogues have been seen with 5, 7 and 9 rows, so this is definitely early

Images courtesy of Sean Donnelly, Wild Hills Books

First US Edition - Complete

The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
James R. Osgood
Late Ticknor and Fields

Both parts in one volume
Pictorial Brown cloth
(image of dog steering ship)
250 illustrations by Riou
Published: June 1874

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
First UK Edition - Complete in 1 volume

Variants A, B, C, D, E !!!

Cover Variant "A"

First UK Edition - Complete in 1 volume


The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1. The English at the North Pole
2. The Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

with 250 illustrations by Riou

Ed: SINCE this has the same 2 title pages as the 2 separate volumes, I conclude that this is the TRUE First Complete in 1 part edition!!
AND FULLY Illustrated!!!

The below 2 variants, have a catalogue dated Aug 1875
what about this one!?

gilt edges

2 title pages both dated 1876

Images courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

Cover Variant "B"

First UK Edition - Complete in 1 volume
- 1876 - Catalogue Aug 1875
2 Illustrations

Which came first? Variant A, B C or D!

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1. The English at the North Pole
2. The Field of Ice

1876 - Catalogue Aug 1875 - inscribed 1877
George Routledge and Sons

with illustrations by Riou (Says the title page)
BUT only 2 illustrations, which are the 2 Frontispieces

therefore a "Cheaper Edition"

1876 date on 1st AND 2nd title pages

Red book contains an Aug 1875 catalog
Red book is inscribed 1877

1876 Double Volume

Red book title pages courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

Cover Variant "C"

First UK Edition - Complete in 1 volume
- 1876 - Catalogue Aug 1875
Illustrated, but How Many Illustrations!?

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1. The English at the North Pole
2. The Field of Ice

1876 - Catalogue Aug 1875 - inscribed Dec 1879
George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

title page does not mention illustrations

Has full page illustrations (but how many!) See some below!

2 title pages
1876 date on 2nd title page, NO date on 1st title page!

This book contains an Aug 1875 catalog
This book is inscribed Dec 1879

This book MIGHT be the one mentioned in the catalogue with 220 illustrations! (See below)

The August 1875 Catalogue titled "George Routledge & Sons Catalogue of A Thousand Juvenile Books" includes:-
On Page 3:
- The Adventures of Captain Hatteras By Jules Verne
1: The English at the North Pole
2: The Field of Ice

220 Illustrations by Riou
in 8 vo, price 10s 6d.

On Page 5:
- The English at the North Pole by Jules Verne
129 Illustrations by Riou,
In cloth, gilt edges 6s
- The Field of Ice by Jules Verne
129 illustrations by Riou,
in cloth, gilt edges 6s

Information courtesy of Philip Hollaway

Cover Variant "B"

First UK Edition - Complete in 1 volume
- 1876
? Illustrations

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1. The English at the North Pole
2. The Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

190 pages

"With Illustrations by Riou"
(Title page DOES mention illustrations)

Frontis & 4 other b&w illus.

Cover Variant "E"

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1. The English at the North Pole
2. The Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons
London and New York

190 pages

First Canadian Edition - Serial
(In French) :

Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
L'Opinion Publique Journal Illustré
G.E. Desbarats & Co.
Montréal, Quebec

Each journal is 12 pages, and is published weekly.

Hatteras appears from Jul 6, 1876 to Dec 28, 1876

Collection Andrew Nash

Other Editions:

ALSO - Cheaper, No Cover Gilt (but yes, Spine gilt)

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

George Routledge and Sons

Frontispiece & 24 full page b&w illustrations
and 129 b&w vignettes

Ed: IS there a PLAIN No Gilt Field of Ice?

1876 - "Variant B" - mate (due to Spine design - Men in 2 boats)

"Variant B" - mate (due to Spine design)
Part 2:
The Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons

Tissue between Frontis and Title

Ed: This would be a mate to: (Same style spine as!)
Variant B
Part 1:
A Journey to the North Pole



circa 18xx
Part 1:
At the North Pole

circa 18xx
Henry T Coates and Co

Part 2:
The Desert of Ice

circa 18xx
Henry T Coates and Co

nd (1876)

Part 1:
At the North Pole

nd (1876)
Porter & Coates

Part 2:
The Desert of Ice

nd (1876)
Porter & Coates

this has been seen Inscribed 1889

Images courtesy of Sumner and Stillman

Adventures of Captain Hatteras (complete)
1876 (I think No Date!)
George Routledge and Sons
London & NewYork

Red copy, nd and inscribed 1879

Blue Image courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

not Bevelled and Bevelled below

The English at the North Pole
George Routledge and Sons

*** THIS book available in Deluxe (Gilt Edges, Bevelled Cover)
and Standard (NO Gilt Edges and NO Bevel on cover ) ***

Every Boys Library

The Field of Ice
George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

Part 2
The Field of Ice

nd-inscr 1883
George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

The Field of Ice
George Routledge and Sons

Note: No gilt on the cover unlike the original


Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
The English at the North Pole

Ward, Lock and Tyler
Warwick House, Paternoster Row

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventures

ed: This book is a mystery to me.

"Tyler" left the firm in 1873, but this book has to be published AFTER 1875 when the first edition was published.
The address is a pre 1878 address, because it does not say "Salisbury Square"

As has been noted elsewere on my pages, it seems the Ward, Lock and Tyler name was used as late as 1878 when the firm moved!

nd - circa September 1877

This is the later "Gassette" Cover:

To the North Pole (Part 1 of Captian Hatteras)
nd - Vol. 4, No. 101
Donnelley, Loyd & Co., Publishers
The Lakeshore Building

Gassette and Loyd Publishers

The Lakeside Library

nd - circa September 1877

The Field of Ice (Part 2 of Captian Hatteras)
nd - Vol. 4, No. 102
Donnelley, Loyd & Co., Publishers
The Lakeshore Building

Gassette and Loyd Publishers

The Lakeside Library

nd - circa 1877
Captain Hatteras: or the English at the North Pole
nd-circa 1877
Goubaud & Son
40, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

Weldon / Goubaud publishers information

Note: Weldon and Co, seems to have only published for a short time Dec 1875 to sometime in 1876!?)

After that, the company "became" (was bought out?) by Goubaud, that sports the same address!

Images and information provided by Phil Hollaway

nd - circa 1877

The English at the North Pole
& The Field of Ice

(Captain Hatteras Complete in 1 volume)
nd {1877}
Goubaud & Son
39 & 40, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

Weldon / Goubaud publishers information

The Jules Verne Library series

Images and information provided by Phil Hollaway

Captain Hatteras
or the English at the North Pole
nd-circa 1877
Goubaud & Son
40, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

Weldon / Goubaud publishers information

The Jules Verne Library

nd - circa 1877
The Frozen Desert
(Captain Hatteras: Part 2)

nd-circa 1877
Goubaud & Son
40, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

Weldon / Goubaud publishers information

The Jules Verne Library

Images and information provided by Phil Hollaway

nd - circa 1877
The Desert of Ice
(Captain Hatteras: Part 2)

nd-circa 1877
Goubaud & Son
40, Bedford Street, Covent Garden

Weldon / Goubaud publishers information

The Jules Verne Library

Jules Verne's Wonder Books

nd-inscribed 1878

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
nd - inscribed 1878
George Routledge and Sons
London and New York


Images courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books


The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
Ward, Lock & Co., Warwick House,
Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C.

Family Gift Series

Images courtesy of Dominic Williams

nd - circa 1878

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
nd (1878) also inscr 1882
Ward, Lock & Co, Warwick House

1st Image courtesy of Sumner and Stillman

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

G F Munro
New York

Seaside Library


Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras:
The Ice Desert

Ward, Lock, & Co.,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E. C.

Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras:
English at the North Pole

Ward, Lock, & Co.,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E. C.
10, Bond Street
New York

Jules Verne Library Series

nd - circa 1880
The English at the North Pole
nd - circa 1880
Ward Lock & Co.
London & New York

"Select Library - Two Shillings" (on Spine)


Images courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

nd - circa 1880

The Ice Desert
nd - circa 1880
Ward, Lock and Co,
London & New York

Price: Sixpence

223 pages

massive catalogue in the rear

Arthur Edwards Collection
BK Collection
Collection Andrew Nash
(this copy highly restored)

nd - circa 1880

At the North Pole
or The Adventures of Captain Hatteras

nd - circa 1880
Henry T Coates and Co.

130 illustrations

Desert of Ice
or The Adventures of Captain Hatteras

nd - circa 1880
Henry T Coates and Co.


Part 1:
At the North Pole

Porter and Coates

Translated from the French of Jules Verne

With One Hundred and Thirty Illustrations by Riou

Part 2:
Desert of Ice

Porter and Coates

Alta Edition

At the North Pole
Porter and Coates

Alta Edition (variant)

The English at the North Pole
George Routledge and Sons

The Field of Ice
George Routledge and Sons

Every Boys Library

nd (1890)
English at the North Pole
nd - inscribed 1890
George Routledge and Sons
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Glascow, Manchester, and New York

Boy Reading Series

circa 1880?

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

Ward Lock

Part 2:
The Ice Desert

Ward Lock

English at the North Pole
Croome & Co.
322, Upper St, N.

This book has a "common" cover of the time.

See BELOW for a Holliday Publisher, and HERE for 2 "Round the World" volumes with the same cover!

English at the North Pole
Holliday, Son & Co.
Warwick House.

This book has a "common" cover of the time.

See ABOVE for a Croome Publisher, and HERE for 2 "Round the World" volumes with the same cover!

nd - circa 1890

The Field of Ice
George Routledge

Routledge Set - Olive Branch

The English at the North Pole
George Routledge and Sons Limited

Routledge Star-Iris Series

Field of Ice
George Routledge & Sons

Every Boy's Library

nd (circa 1890)
Captain Hatteras or English at the North Pole
& Journey to the Centre of the Earth

nd (circa 1890)
Hutchinson and Co

Hutchinson Series


Part 1:
English at the North Pole

Hutchinson and Co

Hutchinson Series

Part 2:
Desert of Ice

Hutchinson & Co.

Hutchinson Series

nd - circa 1889-90 - inscr 1892

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
George Routledge and Sons
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Glascow, Manchester, and New York

Group of Boys Series

Image courtesy of Philip Hollaway

nd (inscribed 1892)

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

nd (inscribed 1892)
Ward Lock

Part 2:
The Ice Desert

Ward Lock & Bowden

Victorian Verne Vignette

"V" at top of Series spine

Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
The Ice Desert

Ward, Lock & Co
London: Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.
New York: Bond Street.

Victorian Verne Vignette

but plain spine (NO "V" at top)

nd- Book Plate 1897
The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
I. The English at the North Pole
II. The Field of Ice

nd - Bookplate 1897
George Routledge and Sons, Limited
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
London, Manchester, New York
The English at the North Pole
nd-bookplate 1896/1897
Hutchinson & Co.

nd - inscribed 1899

English at the North Pole
nd - inscribed 1899
George Rooutledge and Sons, Limited
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Manchester and New York

Routledge - Star with Iris Series

nd - inscr 1901

The Field of Ice
nd - inscribed 1901
George Rooutledge and Sons, Limited
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Manchester and New York
nd - circa 1900

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
(2 parts complete in 1 volume: English at the North Pole and The Desert of Ice)
Ward, Lock & Co., Limited,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E. C.
New York and Melbourne

Part of a 5 Volume Set, with Henry Austin Illustrations

2 B+W Illustrations by Henry Austin (incl Frontice)

The Cover is the Illustration from Part 2, Desert of Ice

The English at the North Pole
The Ice Desert
Richard Butterworth


Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

George Routledge and Sons

Part 2:
Field of Ice

George Routledge and Sons

At the North Pole
Henry T. Coates & Co

Images Courtesy of Dana Eales


The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
George Routledge and Sons, Limited
New York: E P Dutton & Co.
The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
George Routledge and Sons

The cover border (with the pillars etc) is NOT unique to this title

nd - (1908)

The English at the North Pole
nd (1908)
George Routledge & Sons, Ltd
New York: E.P. Dutton and Co.

The estimated date here is based on an inscription in an identically bound Five Weeks in a Balloon

Torch Series

Mate to the volume below

nd (1908)

The Field of Ice
nd (1908)
George Routledge and Sons, Limited
New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.

The estimated date here is based on an inscription in an identically bound Five Weeks in a Balloon

Torch Series

Image proved by Dan Spacie

nd (aprox 1900-1905)

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole
Ward, Lock and Co.

Part 2:
The Ice Desert

Ward, Lock and Co.

Jules Verne Series
ed: I call this the Sea Serpent Series


The Field of Ice
George Rouotledge and Sons, Limited
& New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.

Routledge's New Series
(Arctic DJ)

Collection Andrew Nash


The English at the North Pole
George Routledge and Sons
London: Broadway, Ludgate Hill
New York: 9 Lafayette Place


The English at the North Pole
George Routledge and Sons
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
9 Lafayette Place
New York


nd - 1910ish?

The Frozen Pirate (W. Clarke Russel)
The English at the North Pole (and The Field of Ice)
The Silver Canon
(George Manville Fern)
Stead's Publishing House
Bank Buildings, Kingsway

This is 3 books in 1.

The Lads' and Lasses' Library
Frozen is No. 1 and English is No. 3 and Silver is No. 4 (in that library)
Note: All 3 were ALSO published by Sampson Low

ED: English at the North Pole has a preface by W Stead, and he mentiones Verne's death, so book is post 1905

The spine ONLY mentions The Frozen Pirate

The Title page of The English at the North Pole states:
Copyright Translation, Somewhat Abridged
and is 150 pages and 40 chapters, for both parts!

Thank you to Philip Hollaway

Preface to The English at the North Pole, by William T Stead in this volume:

"The English at the North Pole us one of the most brilliant of Jules Verne's romantic stories. Like all of his tales, it is worked out with great skill and thourough knowledge of the subject, and is based on a solid foundation of fact. In this story he gives a very graphic and truthful description of real Arctic travel and hardships, for although the Forward started on her adventurous voyage in 1860, the dangers the Arctic explorer has to encoounter to-day are the same as confronted Captain Hatteras and his companions, although modern science has given him a much better equipment to overcome them with. The Map on the next page will be of considerable assistance in following the Forward in her efforts to force her way northwards. At the time she was doing this the "farthest North" record was held by Lieut. Parry, who in 1820 reached latitude 82 degrees 45 mins, although an American, Dr. Kane, leader of the Grinnell expedition in 1854, passed the 82nd degree and was given the credit of having penetrated nearest to the Pole. The route by which Jules Verne sends his party in the final journey is very much the same as that followed by Dr. Cook in his recent "dash to the Pole."

The story was originally written in two parts, called respectively The English at the North Pole and The Field of Ice. By omitting most of the lengthy descriptions of previous expeditions which Jules Verne puts into the mouths of different members of the expedition -- descriptions of considerable educational interest, but having nothing whatever to do with the tale - I have been able to include the whole story of the discovery of the North Pole, as told by Jules Verne, in one book, and a very remarkable story it is.

Of Jules Verne himself there is little need to say anyting. After Henty he is probably the most popular writer amongst the youth of this generation. His wonderful imagination was backed by great techincal knowledge and painstaking accuracy in details. There is seldom anything in his stories really outside the bounds of probability. Altough his Clipper of the Clouds, when he wrote it, was looked upon as the fanciful imagination of a romancist, the arrival of heavier-than-air machines soaring gracefully through the air shows that he was merely many years ahead of his contemporaries. The submarine which his fancy use for the journey in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is merely the forerunner of those which are now deemed a necessary part of every up-to-date fleet. His death quite recently was a serious loss to the youth of the world.

William T. Stead"

nd-inscr 1926

The English at the North Pole
nd-inscr 1926
Collins Clear Type Press
London & Glascow

Illustrated by J. E. SutcliffeComplete Dustjacket shown

Part 1:
The English at the North Pole

nd (circa 1930s)
Ward Lock

Sun/Clouds cover

Royal Series DJ

nd (circa 1930)
Part 2:
The Ice Desert

nd (circa 1930s)
Ward Lock

Sun/Clouds cover

Royal Series DJ

nd - inscribed 1922

The English at the North Pole
George Routledge

the red copy is inscribed 1922

nd - inscribed 1924
Captain Hatteras
English at the North Pole

nd - inscribed 1924
Hutchinson and Co.

Hutchinson Square Series

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
New York 

(with and Introduction by Commander Finn Ronne)

Dustjacket shown

Jules Verne Signigute Edition

but not sure if the 2 go together

Part 1:
At the North Pole
ARCO Publications

Part 2:
The Wilderness of Ice
ARCO Publications

Fitzroy Edition
Editor: I. O. Evans
Dustjackets Shown

Part 1:
At the North Pole
nd - copyright 1961
Associated Booksellers
Westport Conn. 

192 pages

0 illustrations

Opposite the Title page a list of 18 title in The Fitzroy Edition

Copyright 1961 in England by
Arco Publications

Back of dustjacket an ad for The Fitzroy Edition
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn.

Fitzroy Edition
Dustjacket clipped (3.95 in ink)

mine: inscription "Property of G & A Holdings, #1005

Collection Andrew Nash

Part 2:
The Wilderness of Ice
nd - copyright 1961
Associated Booksellers
Westport Conn.

192 pages

0 illustrations

Opposite the Title page a list of 18 titles in The Fitzroy Edition

Copyright 1961 in England by
Arco Publications

Back of dustjacket an ad for The Fitzroy Edition
Associeated Booksellers
Westport, Conn

Fitzroy Edition
Dustjacket unclipped $3.00, with a $3.95 sticker over

Collection Andrew Nash


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