Early U.S. Synopsis - Saturday July 19, 1873 - Harrisburg Telegraph, Pennsylvania
Viewable here
Significant U.K. Synopsis/Review, December 1873 |
An Eighty Days Trip (by the Editor)
In: The St James' Magazine & United Empire Review
Christmas Box (Advertiser)
1873 (Dec)
Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle
Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street
Earlier than the title page for that part of the Christmas Box, page 22 is an ad for:
Around the World in Eighty Days
by Jules Verne
Square Crown 8vo. With numberious Illustrations. Uniform in size and style with "Meridiana," by the same Author. Price 7s6d. [Ready]
6 pages, from page 88 to page 93
4 illustrations
Viewable / Readable here at Hathititrust
1874 in Wraps
Two Stories by Jules Verne
A Fancy of Doctor Ox
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Office of "The Evening Telegraph"
Translated expressly for
"The Evening Telegraph"
by Stephen W. White
and reprinted from the columns of that journal
Entered According to Act of Congress in the year 1874, by Charles E. Warburton
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington
Note: I like how the cover says :
Author of "Travels Extraordinary," ...
which of course is a literal translation of Voyages Extraordinaires
Collection Andrew Nash

Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle

Seen with Catalogue dated October 1872 !!!!

Seen with Catalogue dated October 1873
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle
Third Edition
Catalogue dated October 1874 in back

Deluxe with Bevelled Boards
(Same as previous, BUT labelled "Third Edition")
Around the World in Eighty Days
James R Osgood and Co
tissue between title and Frontispiece
Tour of the World in 80 Days
James R Osgood and Co
Saunterer's Series
Seen in: Blue and Brick colour
Brick, Collection Andrew Nash
copyright 1874

Tour of the World in 80 Days
copyright 1874 Donnelley, Loyd and Co., Publishers
Volume 2, No 29
The Lakeside Library
1875 - Fourth Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Fourth Edition
Catalogue dated February 1874 in back
1875 - Fifth Edition - Green Cover
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Fifth Edition
NO Catalogue in back!
1875 - Fifth Edition - Red Cover
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Fifth Edition
This book currently (Mar 2024) available for purchase from
Lycanthia Rare Books (Newark, NOTTS, United Kingdom)
Around the World in Eighty Days
?1876? Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Jules Verne's Works
Low's Authorized & Illustrated Edition

Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle
Author's Copyright Edition

Around the World in Eighty Days
Porter and Coates
Gilt around the title
nd-Dec 1875 to Feb 1876

Round the World in Eighty Days
nd-maybe as early as Dec 1875, but maybe Feb 1876
Weldon & Co.
40, Bedford Street
Covent Garden
Weldon / Goubaud publishers information
The Jules Verne Library

Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway

20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
AND Around the World in 80 Days
1876 (20k dated on its title page) Donnelley, Loyd & Co
Lakeside Edition
Ed: I have seen a copy where 20k title page is dated 1876,
but Around the World title page has NO date
BUT also one with 1876 on the Around the World title page!


Around the World in Eighty Days
1876 Donnelley, Loyd & Company Publishers
Railroad Edition
price-Twenty-five cents
Ordinary Price $1.50
8 illustrations
Numerous Verne ads inside
in Wraps
Inside back cover, ads for:
-- Mysterious Island
-- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
-- From the Earth to the Moon
-- Trip Round the Moon
-- Tour of the World in 80 Days
nd - circa 1877

Tour of the World in 80 Days
Donnelley, Cassette and Loyd Publishers
Volume 2, No. 29
The Lakeside Library
nd - circa 1878 (re Ads)

Around the World in 80 Days nd-circa 1878
Porter and Coates
SUPER Rare Dustjacket shown
Around the World on the spine is no longer in a Circle
Available here
Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
" By December 23, 1876, Lee and Shepard offered their Handy Verne Series, three volumes containing Tour of the World in 80 Days, Winter on Ice, and Wreck of the Chancellor, each $1. Lee and Shepard obtained the plates for all three of these works from Albert Mason, who purchased them at the Osgood sale. The 1877 edition closely resembles Osgood's Saunterer's Series, with the title changed to Around the World in Eighty Days, and a handful of full-page ilustrations included. The front cover repeats the same design on the back cover, with the title, author's name and the St. Michel embossed in red on black cloth."
Around the World in Eighty Days
Title page:
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Lee & Shepard
Translated by George M. Towle

Handy Verne Series (1 of 3 volumes)
Images courtesy of John Hubbard-Grace

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
" By December 23, 1876, Lee and Shepard offered their Handy Verne Series, three volumes containing Tour of the World in 80 Days, Winter on Ice, and Wreck of the Chancellor, each $1. Lee and Shepard obtained the plates for all three of these works from Albert Mason, who purchased them at the Osgood sale. The 1877 edition closely resembles Osgood's Saunterer's Series, with the title changed to Around the World in Eighty Days, and a handful of full-page ilustrations included. The front cover repeats the same design on the back cover, with the title, author's name and the St. Michel embossed in red on black cloth."
Around the World in Eighty Days
Lee & Shepard
Note: this is not a Hybrid!
Translated by George M. Towle
This volume has a Custom Leather Binding that replicates the original binding!
Handy Verne Series
(Both these covers, Bevelled)

Round the World in Eighty Days
George Routledge and Sons
Broadway, Ludgate Hill
New York: 518 Broome Street
*** THIS book available in Deluxe (Gilt Edges, Bevelled Cover)
and Standard (NO Gilt Edges and NO Bevel on cover ) ***
Every Boys Library

The below image Frontis is reproduced in miniature in the above Gilt banner!

Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Sixth Edition
nd - circa 1879
Round the World in Eighty Days
George Routledge and Sons
Every Boy's Library
Tour of the World in 80 Days
James R Osgood and Co
Green Cloth
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston,Searle and Rivington Ltd
Jules Verne's Works
Low's Authorized & Illustrated Edition
nd - 1880
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd 1880
Sampson Low
nd (circa 1880)
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd (circa 1880s)
Sampson Low
Pears Soap Edition - description
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
New York
Frog/Tadpole set
Tour of the World in 80 Days
John W Lovell Pub
New York
Tour of the World in 80 Days
nd - circa 1880
Belford Clarke & Co
Chicago - New York - San Fransisco
Belford Clarke History

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
" By December 23, 1876, Lee and Shepard offered their Handy Verne Series, three volumes containing Tour of the World in 80 Days, Winter on Ice, and Wreck of the Chancellor, each $1. Lee and Shepard obtained the plates for all three of these works from Albert Mason, who purchased them at the Osgood sale. The 1877 edition closely resembles Osgood's Saunterer's Series, with the title changed to Around the World in Eighty Days, and a handful of full-page ilustrations included. The front cover repeats the same design on the back cover, with the title, author's name and the St. Michel embossed in red on black cloth."
Around the World in Eighty Days 1881 (Seen inscribed Dec 25, 1897)
Lee and Shepard
Charles T. Dillingham
New York
Translated by George M. Towle
Seen in: Grey & Beige/Tan Covers
Handy Verne Series (1 of 3 volumes)
Tan-Collection Andrew Nash
nd - inscr 1881
Round the World in Eighty Days
nd - inscr 1881
Ward Lock and Co
The Youth's Library - One Shilling
Jules Verne Yellowback

Tour of the World in 80 Days
John W Lovell Publisher Nos. 14 and 16 Astor Place
New York
nd-circa mid 1880s(?)
Round the World in Eighty Days
nd - circa 1880s
Ward, Lock & Co.
The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure
Around the World in Eighty Days
Ward, Lock & Co.
Jules Verne Library
Round the World in Eighty Days
Weldon & Co.,
40, Belford Street, Covent Garden
The Jules Verne Library
Tour of the World in 80 Days 1884 (? dated?)
Belford Clarke & Co
Chicago - New York - San Fransisco
Belford Clarke History
Tour of the World in Eighty Days nd (? dated ? 1884)
Belford Clarke & Co.
Chicago - New York - San Fransisco
Caxton Edition
Belford Clarke History
nd - circa 1884
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Belford Clarke & Company
192 and 194 State Street
Caxton Edition
Belford Clarke History
nd - circa 1884
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Belford Clarke & Company
"Diamond" Cover
With matching Dustjacket! (almost)
DJ = Around the World
Cover = Tour of the World
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
The Burrows Brothers Company
Sterling Edition
see also The Mysterious Island, The Giant Raft...
Ed: I am always impressed when a reprint from a small company actually puts a publication date on the title page!! On many reprints, it is rare!
Collection Andrew Nash
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Belford Clarke & Co.
Chicago - New York - San Fransisco
Caxton Edition
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Syndicate Trading Company
New York
Gladstone Series
nd (1887)
Tour of the World
nd (1887)
Butler Brothers
New York
"Butler Bee Edition"
Round the World in Eighty Days
J B Lippincott
Sunflower Series
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Pollard and Moss
New York |
A Tour of the World in 80 Days
Geo Munro
Vanderwater St.
New York
320 pages
No 184 Seaside Library
Courtesy Dana Eales

Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Eighth Edition
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Pollard and Moss
New York |
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Worthington co, 747 Broadway
New York
Franklin Edition
Tour of the World in 80 Days
S A Maxwell & Co.
New York

Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
"Pears Soap" edition
192 pages
Author's Illustrated Edition
Image and listing information provided by Dana Eales
Pears Soap Edition description
Tour of the World
W L Allison Co Publishers
New York |
nd - inscribed 1889

Tour of the World in 80 Days
nd - inscribed 1889
The American News Company
New York
Peoples Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
Porter and Coates
Alta Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
Lee & Shepard
xx Main Street, "The Old South Meeting House"
Charles T Dillingham
218 and 220 Broadway
New York,
Around the World Library

nd - inscr 1890
Round the World in Eighty Days
nd - inscr 1890
George Routledge
Olive Branch
Tour of the World
Worthington Co.
New York |
nd - circa 1890

The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd-circa 1890 J S Ogilvie, Publisher
57 Rose Street.
New York 182 Wabash Avenue
Forms part of a 3 book Series:
- Tour of the World in Eighty Days
- From the Earth to the Moon
- Topsy Turvy
Catalogue in rear of book for "The Favorite Edition"
- 143 Mysterious Island
- 145 Tour of the World
- 146 20,000 Leagues
- 180 From the Earth to the Moon
nd - circa 1890
Round the World in Eighty Days
George Routledge
Every Boys Library

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd (circa 1890)
Hurst and Co
New York
Arlington Edition
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Hurst & Company Publishers
135? Grand? Street
New York
Images courtesy of Dana Eales
Tour of the World in 80 Days
William H Davis Publishers
Bonanza Pub Co
New York
Eureka Series
Tour of the World in 80 Days
Hurst & Co., Publishers
New York
Arlington - Torch Series
nd - circa 1890

Round the World in Eighty Days
Hyman A. Abrahams & Sons
nd - circa 1891
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd - circa 1891
Frank F. Lovell and Company
142 and 144 Worth street
New York
Aldine Edition (on spine)
Images courtesy of Mike Cahill
nd circa 1891

Round the World in 80 Days
nd inscr 1891
Hutchinson & Co.
prize label dated 1892 & book plate 1890
159 pages
Hutchinson Series
Red Image and Inscription courtesy of Glenn Gretlund
** Different from above, with SECOND Verne story added ***
Round the World in Eighty Days & Adventures in South Africa
Hutchinson & Co.
25 Paternostser Square
Round the world - 175 pages
Adventures in South Africa - 206 pages
Tour of the World
1892, (June12)
Sunday News
New York
June 12, 1892
Library Supplement, No. 112(?)
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
New Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
F M Lupton
New York
The Arm Chair Library
Each number contains a Complete Novel by a Popular Author
nd (inscribed 1895)
Tour of the World
nd (inscribed 1895)
Dohohue and Henneberry
Oxford Edition
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Wm L Allison
New York
The Tour of the World in 80 Days
George Munro's Sons, Publishers
17 to 27 Vanderwater St.,
New York
Munro's Library of Popular Novels
No. 62
Price 25 Cents
Courtesty Dana Eales
The Tour of the World in 80 Days
George Munro's Sons, Publishers Limited
New York
nd - circa 1895
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King 88 Curtain Road, E.C.,
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
ALL editions by R E King, will have 184 pages.

Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway
nd - circa 1895
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King
88 Curtain Road, E.C.
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There is a similar red cover Tour of the World lower down this page, but the Text on the cover is black, and in a different font!

Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
nd (?)

Only the cover of this book has been seen!
The Cover Title Font, is identical to the above R E King, so it is ASSUMED to be R E King.
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King (assumed)
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
nd - circa 1895

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King
88 Curtain Road, E.C.,
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
The Rainbow Library
Bevelled Boards
ALL edges gilt
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
A H Bunney
Liverpool & LLandudno
The Rainbow Library
184 pages
1 page catalogue
Bevelled Boards
Gilt edges All Round
Printed by R E King, London
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Seen on the Danish Jules Verne Society page.
nd - inscr 1896

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd - inscribed 1896
Boots Limited
Bookselling and Stationery Department,
Pelham Street
Printed by R. E. King, Curtain Street, London E.C.
(printed on bottom of page 184)
The Sunrise Series
184 pages. 0 illustrations
1 page catalogue
Presented: 1896

NOTE: this is a thick book, as the spine image shows. Obviously, thicker paper was used for this volume, as it still has the "required"
184 pages, for an R E King printed volume!
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
nd - circa 1895
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd - circa 1895
Richard Edward King
88 Curtain Road, E.C.,
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Thank you - Jeremy Gaunt
nd - circa 1895

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King
88 Curtain Road, E.C.,
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Price on spine: 2/6
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
NOTE: R E King ALSO used the same cover for other Authors
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd, inscribed Feb 20,1897
Richard Edward King
88, Curtain Road, E.C.,
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King

nd - circa 1895
Round the World in Eighty Days
Title page: Around the World in Eighty Days
Phillips & Mowle
11, Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C.,
Note: similar cover to the above R E King publication. These "Flower and Vine" covers were common and used by many publishers!

NOTE: Cover and Title page layout, identical to the below "Croome & Co" edition & same as a "Holliday & Son" English at the North Pole
NOTE: Phillips and Mowle ALSO used the same cover for other Authors
i.e. The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral - Fenimore Cooper
nd - circa 1895
Round the World in Eighty Days
Title page: Around the World in Eighty Days
Croome & Co.
322, Upper St, N.
NOTE: Cover and Title page layout, identical to the above "Phillips & Mowle" edition edition & same as a "Holliday & Son" English at the North Pole
nd - inscribed 1896
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd-Inscribed 1896
Richard Edward King
(88 Curtain Road, E.C., - not seen)
The Rainbow Library
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd - inscr 1899
Richard Edward King
88 Curtain Road, E.C.,

Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
nd - circa 1895
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
nd - circa 1895
Richard Edward King, Ltd.,
106, 108, 110, Tabernacle Street, London, E.C.
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Red Collection Andrew Nash

Last page and Advert opposite:
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Published by
J. Reed Thomas
168, 204 and 206, Trafalgar Road,
East Greenwich, S.E.

*** This book is PRINTED by R E King
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
It has all the telltale points of an R E King "Round the World" publication.:
- Similar plain cover
- 184 page text block
- Author of " ...The Texar Vengeance"

nd - circa 1895
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Divine, Hill & Co.,
Mossel Bay and Oudishoorn
(South Africa)
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
This book is PRINTED by R E King, London
The base of the spine reads (R E) King

NOTE: The mention of "The Texar Vengeance" on the title page, which is UNIQUE to the R E King printed editions.

Ed: The "Seal" on the cover has "Divine, Hall & Co" underneath. I have observed another book, from a different South African publisher, in brown cloth with the same Heraldic Seal!
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
nd - circa 1895 to 1900
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
R E King & Co Ltd
106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages, 0 illustrations (?)
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
R. E. King were known to be at this address, in Nov 8, 1898, as a fire was reported in the Daily News, London, page 6.
Richard Edward King/ R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
nd - circa 1895 to 1900
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
R E King & Co Ltd 106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages, 0 illustrations
1 page catalogue (as per Boots edition above)
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
R. E. King were known to be at this address, in Nov 8, 1898, as a fire was reported in the Daily News, London, page 6.
Richard Edward King/ R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway
nd-circa 1895 to 1900

Tour of the World in Eighty Days nd (seen with inscription 1912)
R E King & Co Ltd
106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page is: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway
1895 - New Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
Sampson Low
"New Edition""
Curly Queue J"
nd (circa 1895)
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd (circa 1895)
Sampson Low
"new edition"
1896 Part 1 No. 127 and Part 2 No 128
Round the World in Eighty Days - First Part
The Penny Library of Famous Books
No. 127
George Newnes Limited
Published Every Tuesday
Round the World in Eighty Days - Second Part
The Penny Library of Famous Books
No. 128
George Newnes Limited
Published Every Tuesday
nd - inscribed Easter 1896
Round the World in Eighty Days & Adventures in South Africa
nd-inscribed Easter 1896
Hutchinson & Co
25, Paternoster Square
Round the World - 175 pages
Adventures in South Africa - 206 pages
8 pages advertisements
Gilt edges
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
R E King & Co Ltd
106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
3 Illustrations
See description in King book below

Collection Andrew Nash
Round the World in Eighty Days
Lever Brothers, Ltd.
Port Sunlight
Jules Verne Yellowback
Images courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books
No. 8:............................................Vol 9
Round the World in Eighty Days 1897 - December 18
Frank A. Munsey 111 Fifth Avenue
New York
printed in 2 volumes
3 Cents a copy
issued as:
The Red Seal Library Edition of Standard Books
No. 8 (1 of 2) and Vol 9 (2 of 2)
cream wrappers ptinted in red and black

The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Spine: Around the World
Lee and Shepard
10 Milk Street next "The Old South Meeting House"
Charles T Dillingham
715 and 720 Broadway
New York
Translated by George M. Towle
Intro by Adrien Marx
Norwood Series: History, Biography, Adventure
1 pg Ad for "Around the World Library" by Jules Verne, by Lee and Shepard,

4 page catalogue in rear, with 1st page "Choice Books of Adventure", with #4-Around the World, #16 Wreck of the Chancellor and #17 Winter in the Ice
Collection Andrew Nash
circa 1897
Tour of the World in 80 Days nd-circa 1897
H M Caldwell Co
New York |
circa 1897
Tour of the World in 80 Days
nd-circa 1897
H M Caldwell Co
New York
Tour of the World in 80 Days
H M Caldwell Co
New York
Around the World
inscribed 1898
Sampson Low
New illustrated edition
2nd image shown was inscribed 1904!
Around the World in Eighty Days
Street & Smith Publishers
New York
No 21 .. 10 Cents
Arrow Library
in Wraps
Images courtesy of Dana Eales
Round the World in Eghty Days
University Publishing Company
New York - 4? - 47 East Tenth Street
Boston - 352 Washington Street
New Orleans - 714 and 716 Canal Street
Standard Literature Series
Double Number 34
September 1898
Edited for use in schools with an Introduction and Notes
Published Monthly, except July and August, Yearly Subscription $1.50
in Wraps
Images courtesy of Dana Eales
Round the World in Eghty Days
? 1898
University Publishing Company
New York
Standard Literature Series
1899 - 2 Volume "set" in Wraps
Volume 1

Volume 2

Around the World in Eighty Days - Vol I
Prudential Book Company
Potter Building
New York
2 page catalogue in back
Wakefield Series - No. 29
Original Price 10 cents
"smaller" (vol 1 and 2 do not match)
Collection Andrew Nash
Around the World in Eighty Days - Vol II
(title page missing) - 1899
Prudential Book Company
Potter Building
New York
"my copy" missing title page
Wakefield Series - No. 30
Original Price 10 cents
"bigger" (vol 1 and 2 do not match)
Collection Andrew Nash
nd-inscribed 1899

Round the World in Eight Days
nd-inscribed 1899
Ward, Lock & Co
Victorian Verne Vignette
Images courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
R F Fenno and Company
9 & 11 East 16th St.
New York |
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Thompson & Thomas
Tour of the World
Hurst and Co
New York
"Jules Verne Library"
nd - circa 1900 (?)
Round the World in Eighty Days
The Masterpiece Library
"Review of Reviews" Office
Penny Popular Novels. No. 47
Edited by W T Stead
Translated by Henry Frith
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
xx? - 1890-ish!
J S Ogilvie Publishing Company
(57 Rose Street)?
New York
Eureka Detective Stories
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Hurst & Company Publishers
New York / Philadelphia
Cover has an early football, and baseball player, as well as an eagle and a U.S. flag banner!
NOTE: The contents "match" the text block pattern of the R E King editions of Tour of the World:
- Title page lists "The Texar Vengeance"
- No of pages = 184
- Note: text has been "Americanized" (Honour of R E King now = Honor)
Collection Andrew Nash
*** Proposed here, April 7, 2021 that the Around the World illustrations are Gordon Frederick Browne. ***
(See the R E King Publisher page)

Around the World in Eighty Days
R E King, Limited
Tabernacle Street, E.C.
184 pages
3 illustrations
*** Proposed here, April 7, 2021 that the Around the World illustrations are Gordon Frederick Browne. ***
Thank you Philip Hollaway for the research.
(See the R E King Publisher page)
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Ed: This is the ONLY R E King edition that is dated (1900).
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
This volume was presented as a Sunday School prize, in North Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia, 1902.
The owner of this book, received it from the grand-daughter of the "prized" A. Cousins.

Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Most images courtesy of Kerry Tolson
Who also prompted R.E.King research!
nd (circa 1900)
Around the World in 80 Days
R Worthington
New York |

Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt Company, Publishers
52-58 Duane Street, New York
Explorers Climbing Series
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
A L Burt Company, Publishers
New York
Verne's Famous Books of Adventure
1st image, the DJ
Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt Publisher
New York
Boy in Library
Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt
New York
Boy with Walking Stick

Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt
New York
Canoe Series
Dustjacket shown
Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt Publisher
New York
Boy in Hat in Eye
Tour of the World in 80 Days
A L Burt Company, Publishers
52-58 Duane Street, New York |
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Donohue and Co
This cover NOT unique to Jules Verne

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Donohue Henneberry & Co
Chicago |
nd (circa 1900)
Round the World in Eighty Days nd (circa1900-1910) Hutchinson & Co.
Paternoster Row
inscription seen 1922
Hutchinson Square Series
nd - circa 1900
The Wonderful Travels
Around the World, Five Weeks, and Journey to the Interior
nd (seen with 1900 Prize plate)
Ward, Lock & Co., Limited,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E. C.
New York and Melbourne
Part of a 5 Volume Set, with Henry Austin Illustrations
3 B+W Illustrations by Henry Austin (incl Frontice)
The Fronticepiece image is replicated on the cover

nd (circa 1902)
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd (circa 1902)
Ward Lock and Co
"Jules Verne Series" Sea Serpent
Around the World in Eighty Days
Street & Smith Publishers
New York
Medal Library No. 110
Images courtesy of Dana Eales
Around the World in Eighty Days
1905 OR nd - 1911
Sampson Low, Marston and Company
New Edition

Around the World in Eighty Days
1905 Charles Scribner's Sons
New York
1 of at least 6 identical volumes
12 illustrations
310 pages
6 Volume Set
Center of the Cover


Around the World in Eighty Days
1906 Charles Scribner's Sons
New York
1 of at least 6 identical volumes
12 illustrations
310 pages
6 Volume Set
Center of the Cover

Around the World in Eighty Days
Charles Scribner's Sons
New York
Scribner's Uniform Edition
Size: 208mm x 150mm
12 illustrations including Frontispiece
Pages numbered 1 to 310
Ad : 11 vol $21.50, 3 vol $7.50
Uniform Edition on Title page: NO
Spine Scroll = Hi-Low-Hi
Cover Top Scroll = Reverse
Known Publication Dates:
1906 Hi-Low-Hi NoU Reverse
1917 Low-Hi-Low NoU Regular
The Frontispiece is a photo of Jules Verne seperated from the Title page by tissue.
ed: Around the World, and 20,000 Leagues were the last 2 books to be added to the Uniform Edition. Almost an after thought! It appears that this addition came in the early 1900's and I would consider these "weakest" of the sets volumes, in the sense that they only contain 12 illustrations each.
Collection Andrew Nash
Tour of the World in 80 Days
F M Lupton
New York (65 Duane St)
Avon Edition
nd (inscribed 1907)
Round the World
nd (inscribed 1907)
Ward Lock

nd - circa 1900 to 1910
Around the World in Eighty Days nd - circa 1900 to 1910
R E King & Co Ltd 106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages
3 illustrations (see listing above)
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Seen inscribed 1905 / 1907 / 1908
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: The publisher address is the same as the 1895-1890 editon, but different from the 1900 edition. It turns out that the edition, known circa 1910 ("King Edward VII" edition) has the exact same address, SO I think, based on the inscriptions, this WAS published between 1900 and 1910.
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
1st image courtesy of Philip Hollaway
nd - inscribed 1904

Ed: I have the below in my collection. Same book as above, but someone, a child?, decided to "up" the design, by painting it!

Tour of the World in Eighty Days nd - inscribed 1904
R E King & Co Ltd 106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Interestingly says:
"Author of ... "The Texar Vengeance" ETC."
Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King |
nd - circa 1908 (seen with BookPlate)
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd - Seen with 1908 BookPlate Sampson Low, Marston & Company, LD
Art Deco Cover

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Strawbridge Clothier
nd-circa 1910

"You are four minutes too slow"

Around the World in Eighty Days
R E King & Co Ltd 106 to 110 Tabernacle Street, EC
184 pages
1 illustration
Stephen W White translation, with "Honor" changed to "Honour" etc.
Title page: The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Ad for a King Edward VII memorial book,
so circa 1910

Richard Edward King / R. E. King. Publisher AND Printer
Ed: There are now 18 KNOWN different editions of
Tour of / Around the World by R. E. King
Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway

Tour of the World in 80 Days
H M Caldwell Company
New York and Boston
Round the World in Eighty Days
George Routledge and Sons Limited
& E F Dutton & Co.
New York
Torch Series
nd - inscribed 1910
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Hurst and Company Publishers
New York
Jules Verne Series
Tour of the World in 80 Days
New York
"Oxford Edition"
nd - inscribed 1917

Round the World in Eighty Days nd - seen inscribed 1917
Charles H. Kelly
|25-35 City Road, & 26 Paternoster Row, E.C.
The Text Block is identical to that of R E King,
i.e. 184 pages
Round the World in Eighty Days
The Epworth Press
J Alfred Sharp
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
H M Caldwell Co., Publishers
New York |

Tour of the World in Eighty Days
H M Caldwell Co., Publishers
New York |

A Tour of the World in Eighty Days
H M Caldwell Company
New York - Boston
Famous Books of Famous Authors

Around the World in 80 Days
James Texts Educational and Art Publishers,
Belleville, ON, Canada 
(also see Canadian Jules Verne page) |

Round the World in Eighty Days
George Rouotledge and Sons, Limited
& New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.
Routledge's New Series
(Arctic DJ)
Collection Andrew Nash
nd - circa 1915
Around the World in Eighty Days
(all rights reserved)
Sampson Low Celestial
New and Cheaper Edition
Title in Black
Cover Celestial Gilt
Spine Gilt
Spine Title Black
nd - presented 1916 and 1918
Round the World in Eighty Days
nd-seen presented 1916 (gray) & 1918 (orange)
Charles H. Kelly,
25-35 City Road, & 26 Paternoster Row, E.C.
The Text Block is identical to that of R E King,
i.e. 184 pages
Gray (1916) copy Collection Andrew Nash
Around the World in 80 Days
Charles Scribners Sons
New York |
Round the World in Eighty Days
Julian Wylie
Sixpenny Novel
Around the World in 80 Days
Ward Lock
(? 1928? )
nd - inscribed 1919

An Amazing FIND !!! The Brass Printing Plate
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd - inscr 1919, Oct
Sampson Low, Marston and Co.
Taj / Onion Dome Cover
Authors Copyright Edition
Seen with 2 different Frontispieces
This is a common Sampson Low binding, that was used for numeroous Jules Verne titles. What is really interesting, is that the Brass Printing plate, that was used for the printing the cover has been found.
Collection Andrew Nash
(Passepartout Frontis)
nd - Book plate 1926 & 1794 Logo

Around the World in Eighty Days nd - Bookplate 1926 and Sampson Low Logo 1794 (so 1924 or later)
Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd
2 Colour Cover
1926 (copyright)
Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours par Jules Verne
copyright 1926
The Copp Clark Publishing Co. Ltd.
Vancouver Toronto Montreal 
(also see Canadian Jules Verne page)
Copp Clark Modern Language Series
with Introduction, Notes, Direct-Method Exercises, and Vocabulary
by Alexander Green , Ph.D.
"L'art tout entier, c'est d'instruire et de plaire"
D.C. Heath and Company, Boston
Copyright,1926 by D. C. Heath and Company,
Printed in Canada
The boards of the cover are heavy cardboard, with no cloth covering!
This is a school textbook.
There is a 3 page English preface by A.G., New York City, September, 1925
an 8 page English Introduction, Notes, Exercises d'Application, Maximes, et Vocabulaire.
There is also 1 map, 1 image of Jules Verne, and 22 illustrations in the text
NOTE: identical to below, except where noted.
Collection Andrew Nash
1926 (Copyright)
Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours par Jules Verne
copyright 1926
D.C. Heath and Company
Heath's Modern Language Series
with Introduction, Notes, Direct-Method Exercises, and Vocabulary
by Alexander Green , Ph.D.
"L'art tout entier, c'est d'instruire et de plaire"
D.C. Heath and Company, Boston
Copyright,1926 by D. C. Heath and Company,
Printed in U.S.A.
The boards of the cover are heavy cardboard, with no cloth covering!
This is a school textbook.
There is a 3 page English preface by A.G., New York City
an 8 page English Introduction, Notes, Exercises d'Application, Maximes, et Vocabulaire.
There is also 1 map, 1 image of Jules Verne, and 22 illustrations in the text
NOTE: identical to above, except where noted.
Collection Andrew Nash

The omnibus Jules Verne:
Twenty Thousaned Leagues Under the Sea
& Around the World in Eighty Days, & Floating Island
&The Blockade Runners
& Hector Servadac
(Victor) Gollancz
price 8s6d
1168 pages
Tour of the World
nd - inscribed 1930 (But surely earier)
A L Burt
New York
Golf cover !!!
Round the World in Eighty Days
C J Fallon
a copy of the 1920/30s Hutchinson edition
nd(circa 1930)

Around the World in 80 Days
nd (circa 1930)
Ward Lock
Dustjacket shown
Sun and Clouds Cover

The Omnibus Jules Verne:
Twenty Thousaned Leagues Under the Sea
& Around the World in Eighty Days
&The Blockade Runners
&From the Earth to the Moon and the Trip Around It
nd-copyright 1931
J. B. Lippincott Company
Illustrated by Helene Carter
Dustjacket and cover shown

This appears to be the first edition of this omnibus which was reprinted many times
The Dustjacket flap reads:
"Every Uncle should buy at least six copies of this book, one for himself and five for all his neices and nephews. For as a writer of pure adventure, of exciting narrative and hairbreadth escape, Verne has never been surpassed. Most of his predictions in the four books contained in this volume have already been fulfilled except, of couorse the trip to the moon (and rockets are now being built to accomplish this). The best of his stories are included in this one volume. With maps, endpapers and a frontispiece for each tale in two colors by Helene Carter."
nd(circa 1932)
Round the World in Eighty Days
nd (circa 1932)
Dustjacket shown
nd - 1933

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1933, Blue Ribbon Books published this volume, priced at $1."
*The Jules Verne Omnibus:
Twenty Thousaned Leagues Under the Sea
& Around the World in Eighty Days
&The Blockade Runners
&From the Earth to the Moon and the Trip Around It
Blue Ribbon Books
xxx Forth Avenue
New York
* The Dustjacket says Jules Verne Omnibus
& the Book says Omnibus Jules Verne like the previous Lippincott edition.
The Dustjacket flap reads:
"Four complete novels are included in this edition of the best-known works of Jules Verne. They have a double appeal. On the one hand, they rank with the classic adventure stories of Rudyard Kipling, G. A. Henty, and H. Rider Haggard, and on the other they are as much a part of everyone's literary background as Tom Sawyer or Treasure Island.
The famous tales of Jules Verne are among the classic examples of scientific prophecy. At the time they were first published, they seemed the wholly impossible product of a too vivid imagination. Today we are not surprised at submarines and aeroplanes and rockets and we have surpassed even his prophecies of speedy travel.
But we have not yet caught up with the prophecies of Jules Verne. Some of the activities of Captain Nemo of the good submarine Nautilus in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea will seem beyond the reach of human ingenuity, and our efforts with rocket ships are still only experimental. In many ways, Jules Verne is still in advance of the times, and the excitement and action of these stories remain a unique portion of the literature of scientific adventuring."
nd circa 1950
Around the World in 80 Days
nd circa 1950
Ward Lock and Co
Shown in Dustjacket
nd(circa 1950)
Around the World in Eighty Days
nd(circa 1950)
Regent Classic Series
Dustjacket shown
Around the World in 80 Days
Scott Foresman and Co

Around the World in Eighty Days
nd - Copyright 1956
Grosset and Dunlap Publishers
New York
in Dustjacket
Collection Andrew Nash
Around the World in 80 days
Airmont Publishing
#24 in Airmont Classics Series
192 pages
Around the World in Eighty Days
New York
Movie tie-in
Collection Andrew Nash

Around the World in Eighty Days
1964 Arco Publications LondonFitzroy Edition
nd - copyright 1964

Around the World in Eighty Days nd - copyright 1964
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn
Fitzroy Edition
Around the World in Eighty Days
Proof Copy
Around the World in Eighty Days
Associated Booksellers
Bridgeport, Conn
Fitzroy Edition

Around the World in Eighty Days
nd - copyright 1972
MacGibbon & Kee
186 pages
0 illustrations
Back of title page:
Granada Publishing Limited
First published in the Fitzroy Edition by Arco Publications 1967
Reprinted 1972 by MacGibbon & Kee Ltd
3 Upper James Street London W1R 4BP
Copyright Arco Publications 1967
On front flap of Dustjacket - Second Impression 1.25 (gbp) net
On rear flap Dustjacket - 28 titles in the MacGibbon Fitzroy Edition
Ed: MY copy, on front endpaper, in pencil, a list of the cities visited in the Book PLUS insert on blue paper laundry list, March 6, 7, 8, 9 itinerary! pencil written,
Fitzroy Edition
Collection Andrew Nash
Around the World in Eighty Days
Dean and Son Ltd
London |

Around the World in Eighty Days
Purnell Books
Berkshire House, Queen Street
Bancroft Classics, No. 40
(also in this series: 32 - 20,000 Leagues, 44 - Journey to the Centre)
Collection Andrew Nash

Around the World in 80 Days
Readers Digest
New York
Around the World with Blinders On: The Strange Case of Phileas Fogg
by Jack Sullivan, February 1988
inclues 4 page Pamphlett/Insert Verne Bio by Nora Sterling (1965)
Collection Andrew Nash

Around the World in 80 Days
1989 (Copyright Cover & Copyright Text)
Baronet Books
New York, New York
Great Illustrated Classics
VERY Large Print
Collection Andrew Nash

Around the World in Eighty Days
Shown with Dustjacket
Around the World in 80 Days
Oxford University Press
shown with Study Guide
Wallace and Gromit come face to face with Jules Verne
OUP is to publish a special edition of Jules Verne's Around the world in 80 days, fronted by plasticine heroes Wallace Gromit. The animated characters created by Nick Park have been recruited to lead the Brunel 200 Great Reading Adventure, in a bid to get south-west England reading Verne's book in the 80 days from 5 January 2006. Brunel will work in partnership with OUP to distribute 52,000 editions of the book to schools, libraries and companies throughout the region. There will also be 50,000 abridged children's versions and 42,000 illustrated guides to the history behind the book.
The project is jointly funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Millennium Commission, Arts Council England and First Great Western Railways.
(Bookseller, 11 November 2005)
Collection Andrew Nash
Amazing Journeys - Five Visionary Classics
Journey to the Center of the Earth
From the Earth to the Moon
Circling the Moon
20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
Around the World in 80 Days
2010 (Jan 13)
Excelsior Editions
State University of New York Press
In New, Complete Translations by Frederick Paul Walter
Translations and critical material c 2010 by Frederick Paul Walter
Collection Andrew Nash
