Sampson Low History (i.e. History, Name Changes, and Address changes)
Ed: I have found an ad from London, 1893, that indicates, that in October (preparing for the Christmas season) that you could buy "cases" of Jules Verne novels (5 at a time), for a discount of 4 shillings (regular price 5 shillings).
"A winter without a book by Jules Verne would scarecly be intelligible." -- The Globe.
A 40 volume "Jules Verne's Stories" Set, bought "by the case" !!!
(and that doesn't include the 41st volume, The Castle of the Carpathians, announced at the top of the page!!!
Here is that ad, from the October 20, 1893, London, Westminster Budget paper:
"Terribly Thrilling and absolutely harmless." -- The Times
THIS Rear of a Dustjacket, on a Taj/Onion Dome edition,
Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., London: 100, Southwark St., S.E.
lists all these prices for Verne Books:
1/- Editions
- Crown 8vo, Fully Illustrated, Cloth Gilt
Also in Red Bnding, Crown 8vo, Lettered in Black
Double Vols, 2s, each, uniform with above
1/6 Editions
- Crown 8vo, Illustrations in Colour and Black and Withe, Cloth Gilt
2/- Editions
- Full Crown 8vo, Coloured and Black and White Illustrations, Handsomely Bound, Cloth Gilt
Also in Handsome Cloth, Gilt Binding, Gilt Edges, Illustrated, Crown 8vo 2s
2/6 Editions
- Full Crown 8vo, Extra Laarge, Handsomely Bound, Coloured and Black and White Illustrations
2/6 Standard Books for Boys
- Hitherto issued at 10/6, 7/6 and 5/-, Crown 8vo, Illustrated, Cloth Gilt
NOTE re Collecting Sampson Low books!
A fellow collector wrote:
"I have further evidence that Sampson Low dates are not reliable. I recently bought a green cover copy of A Flight to France dated 1888 on the title page. The catalogue at the front next to the half title has the last book published as A Flight to France.
However, there is another comprehensive Sampson Low catalogue in the back dated 1892 and another Jules Verne Catalogue with the last book listed as Cesar Cascabel! This means my copy was sold after the New and Cheaper edition from 1891 shown on your web page but mine is dated 1889 the same as a first!!!
My guess is that Sampson Low printed more copies in 1888 than they sold, then later issued them with a new catalogue and binding.
THUS, I dont think dates on the title page are definitive of when a book was bound or sold.
On this page are listed various Sampson Low "Sets" of Jules Verne titles. None of the sets contain ALL Jules Vernes novels, but some come close.
Sampson Low Publisher Series
Sampson Low 1st Edition Dustjackets
1880's books
Seen on the following 1st Editions:
- Adrift in the Pacific (1889)
- The Archipelago on Fire (1886)
- Mathias Sandorf (1886) - heavily restored!
- ...
Collection Andrew Nash - All 3 copies
Sampson Low 1st Edition
Plain Blue Cover with Gilt Spine Title
The TRUE 1st UK Edition of these 3 titles, were published
with Plain Blue Covers. The Title on the Spine is in Gilt.
The books are undated, but DO have the 1794 Sampson Low Logo on the Title page (thus around 1924)
These are the 3 FIRST Editions
- The Lighthouse at the End of the World - ANash
- Their Island Home (Part 1: Second Fatherland) - ANash
(seen with Australia School Bookplate - 1925)
- The Castaways of the Flag (Part 2: Second Fatherland) - ANash
The following description of this "Series" was written by Andrew Cox Rare Books:
This is the extremely scarce and rarely seen True British First edition of this Jules Verne Adventure novel, it had been nearly ten years since Sampson Low had released a new Jules Verne novel in England, and in 1923 they released three, The Lighthouse at the End of the World, Their Island Home and The Castaways of the Flag (illustrated with 8 plates), the initial copies of all three books were released in plain blue/plum cloth titled in gilt to the spines, only very small numbers were printed in this plain cloth, then in 1924 all three were then reissued as cheaper editions but with pictorial designs, its these editions that most dealers and collectors mistake for the First Edition, especially as the plain cloth Firsts are so scarce that most collectors have never seen them.
Collection Andrew Nash - All 3 copies
Pears' Soap Edition
Plain and Banner variants
Sampson Low (1880s,1890s)
Named because of the advertisement for Pears' Soap on the back cover.
There are 2 variants of the Pears Soap Edition, ALWAYS in RED
Ed: I have named them:
Pears Soap Plain |
Pears Soap Banner |
The Pears Soap Edition, are ALWAYS Red, and although there are other similar sized volumes (Gilt Banner, Grey Banner, & Gilt Title), the RED set is the only set with the Pears advertisement on the rear cover.
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here.
39 Books in this series:
- Abandoned (Mysterious Island, Part 2)
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
- The Archipelago on Fire
- Around the Moon (Round the Moon on Title page)
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Begums Fortune
- The Blockade Runners
- Burbank the Northerner (North Against South, Part 1)
- The Captain of the Guidara (Keraban the Inflexible, Part 1)
- The Child of the Cavern
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- The Cryptogrm (The Giant Raft, Part 2)
- The Demon of Cawnpore (The Steam House, Part 1)
- Dick Sands
- Dr Ox's Experiment, Master Zacharius
- Dropped From the Clouds (Mysterious Island, Part 1)
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (The Giant Raft Part 1)
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Flight to France or The Memoirs of a Dragoon
- A Floating City
- From the Earth to the Moon
- The Fur Country
- Godfrey Morgan
- The Green Ray
- Hector Servadac
- The Lottery Ticket
- Martin Paz
- Mathias Sandorf, Part 1
- Mathias Sandorf, Part 2
- Michael Strogoff
- Scarpante the Spy (Keraban the Inflexible, Part 2)
- The Secret of the Island (Mysterious Island, Part 3)
- The Survivors of the Chancellor (Part 1 and 2 in 1 volume)
- Texar the Southerner (North Against South, Part 2)
- Tigers and Traitors (The Steam House, Part 2)
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas (Complete in 2 parts)
- Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
Gilt Banner
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here
38 Books in this series:
(in THIS series, Mathias Sandorf is complete in 1 volume)
- Abandoned (Mysterious Island, Part 2)
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
- The Archipelago on Fire
- Around the Moon (Round the Moon on Title page)
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Begums Fortune
- The Blockade Runners
- Burbank the Northerner (North Against South, Part 1)
- The Captain of the Guidara (Keraban the Inflexible, Part 1)
- The Child of the Cavern
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- The Cryptogrm (The Giant Raft, Part 2)
- The Demon of Cawnpore (The Steam House, Part 1)
- Dick Sands
- Dr Ox's Experiment, Master Zacharius
- Dropped From the Clouds (Mysterious Island, Part 1)
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (The Giant Raft Part 1)
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Flight to France or The Memoirs of a Dragoon
- A Floating City
- From the Earth to the Moon
- The Fur Country
- Godfrey Morgan
- The Green Ray
- Hector Servadac
- The Lottery Ticket
- Martin Paz
- Mathias Sandorf (2 vol in 1) * This book is published as 1 volume
- Michael Strogoff
- Scarpante the Spy (Keraban the Inflexible, Part 2)
- The Secret of the Island (Mysterious Island, Part 3)
- The Survivors of the Chancellor (Part 1 and 2 in 1 volume)
- Texar the Southerner (North Against South, Part 2)
- Tigers and Traitors (The Steam House, Part 2)
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas (Complete in 2 parts)
- Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
Grey Banner
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here
ONLY the 5 Titles listed here have been seen!:
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen & Three Russians (1886)
- The Green Ray (1885)
- Mathias Sandorf - Part 1 (1889)
- Mathias Sandorf - Part 2 (1889)
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1888)
Gilt Title
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Ltd
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here
ONLY the 7 Titles listed here have been "seen"!:
- Around the Moon (nd) (Red and Green)
- Burbank the Northerner (1891)
- Clipper of the Clouds (1891)
- Flight to France (1891)
- From the Earth to the Moon (Not Seen - Assumed)
- Texar the Southerner (1891)
- Vanished Diamond (1891)
ed: Note the different covers on the above Blockade Runners editions
One has an image from the book, the other an image of Jules Verne!
Jules Verne's Works
One Shilling
Low's Authorized & Illustrated Edition
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here
Frys Cocoa instead of Pears' Soap? - These books appear to always have a Fry's Cocoa ad on the back cover
These volumes are paperbound, and probably have a title set, similar to the above listing of Pears Soap Editions, by Sampson Low.
All of these have the publisher listed as
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, which puts the date of publication around 1876-1890 (Sampson Low History)
Comprehensive and detailed listing with cover images available here
Titles seen in this series:
- Adventures of Three Englishmen & Three Russians in South Africa
- The Archipelago on Fire
- Around the Moon
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Begum's Fortune
- The Blockade Runners
- - Alternate Cover
The Blockade Runners - Jules Verne Cover
- The Child of the Cavern
- Dick Sands - Part 1
- Dick Sands - Part 2
- Dr Ox's Experiment, and Master Zacharius
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- A Floating City
- The Fur Country - Part 1
- The Fur Country - Part 2
- From the Earth to the Moon
- The Giant Raft - Part 1 Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
- The Giant Raft - Part 2 - The Cryptogram
- The Green Ray
- Hector Servadac - Part 1
- Hector Servadac - Part 2 (Servadoc (misprint) - Collection Andrew Nash)
- Keraban the Inflexible - Part 1 - Captain of the Guidara
- Keraban the Inflexible - Part 2 - Scarpante the Spy
- Martin Paz
- Michael Strogoff - Part 1
- Michael Strogoff - Part 2
- The Mysterious Island - Part 1 - Dropped From the Clouds
- The Mysterious Island - Part 2 - Abandoned
- The Mysterious Island - part 3 - The Secret of the Island
- The Survivors of the Chancellor ?Part 1?
- The Survivors of the Chancellor ?Part 2?
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part 1 (Crab cover)
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part 2 (Clam cover)
- - Alternate Cover
Twenty Thousand leagues Under the Sea - Part 2 (Nautilus window cover)
- The Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
The following are assumed to exist, but have not yet been seen!
- ?-Clipper of the Clouds
- ?-The Flight to France
- ?-Godfrey Morgan, A Californian Mystery
- ?-The Lottery Ticket, A Tale of Tellemarken
- ?-Mathias Sandorf - Part 1
- ?-Mathias Sandorf - Part 2
- ?-North Against South - Part 1 - Burbank the Northerner
- ?-North Against South - Part 2 - Texar the Southerner
- ?-The Steam House - Part 1 - Demon of Cawnpore
- ?-The Steam House - Part 2 - Tigers & Traitors
"New and Cheaper - 1881 to 1893"
"Jules Verne" with Reverse Slant
Dark Green Cover
"New and Cheaper" and "non-first Second or Later Edtions"
When collecting Jules verne Sampson Low books, it becomes clear, that for quite a while, Sampsopn Low issued Dark Green covers!
There is more than 1 group of Dark Green covers!
The First that really seems like a "series" are "New and Cheaper" from about 1881 to 1893
Many have "Jules Verne" in a reverse slant font!
ALSO, the Title in Gilt on the cover has a distinctive Font!
The Macgregor Copyright Library for Boys
Sampson Low - 1895
"Under the title "The Macgregor Copyright Library for Boys," Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. propose to start in the autumn a new and popular series of boys' books. Early volumes to appear will be Juls Verne, Mr. G Manville Fenn, Mr. Scarlett potter, and other well-known writers."
Titles include:
- Foundling Mick (nd - bookplate 96-97 and inscribed 1898)
- Mistres Branican (nd - inscribed 1895)
- Carpathian Castle (nd)
- Claudius Bombarnac (nd - bookplate 1896)
- The Floating Island (nd - 1897-ish!)
- Captain Antifer (nd - 1897-ish)
Art Deco Heart
Sampson Low, Marston & Co.
Titles seen in this series:
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Archipelago on Fire
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- ...
Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Art Deco Cover Circa 1908 (Philip Hollaway)Seen with a 1908 BookPlateGilt title on spine
Titles seen in this series:
- Abandoned
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Blockade Runners
- The Child of the Cavern
- Clipper of the Clouds
- Demon of Cawnpore (Not Seen - Assumed)
- Dropped From the Clouds
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- From the Earth to the Moon
- Round the Moon
- Secret of the Island
- Three Englishmen and Three Russians
- Tigers and Traitors
- ...
ED: I believe, with the help of Philip Holloway, that the "Celestial Spine" volumes came out before the "Celestial Cover" Paste-down editions. A 1911 Sampson Low catalogue, shows/lists the "Celestial Spine" editions, but NOT the "Celestial Cover". The list has 13 titles, of which 6 are Verne titles, and they are listed below. Most of MY "Celestial Spine" editions have blank endpapers, except for 1, which has the green "DCCXCIV" (1794) endpapers, which "MAY" have been released as a 120th anniversary in 1914!? (A.N. - April 2023)
Paste Down / Celestial Spine
Sampson Low
Circa 1911 to 1914 (Philip Hollaway)
Authorized Copyright Edition (printed on cover)
7 Titles in this series include:
- Abandoned (AN)
- Dick Sands (this is a slight variation, see swirl on cover)
- Dropped From the Clouds (AN)
- Michael Strogoff (this is a slight variation, see swirl on cover) (AN)
- The Secret of the Island (Version 1 - AN) Paste-down "The Duncan"
- The Secret of the Island (Version 2 - 9th Edition on Title page)
Paste-down "Cleaning the Canons" / Frontis "The Duncan"
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Spine Unique, NOT celestial)
Note: The Cover Pastedown is ALSO the Fronticpiece
Mysterious Island volumes Collection Andrew Nash
Dick Sands courtesy of Philip Hollaway
Note: Myststerious Island, in parts, ALSO appears in the "Celestial Cover" series
Ed: I group this 20k book as a celestial spine, but it is NOT.
It is a 20k UNIQUE FISH gilt spine decoration.
20k has NOT been seen with "just" the celestial spine!
If a 20k volume HAS a Celestial Spine, then it will also have a Celestial Cover!!!
This "Spine" was NOT used exclusively for Jules Verne!
Paste Down / Celestial Cover
Sampson Low
Circa 1914 to 1916 (Philip Hollaway)
The Cryptogram in my collection is inscribed Dec 24, 1917
The Clippter of the Clouds has been seen inscribed Dec 1915
Publisher Title Page Info:
Author's Copyright Edition
(The Cryptogram)
New and Cheaper Edition
(The Clipper of the Clouds)
(Secret of the Island)
13 Titles in this series include:
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Clipper of the Clouds (AN) (Dec 1915 inscription seen)
- The Cryptogram - Dec 24, 1917 inscription (AN)
- Dick Sands
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (assumed)
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Floating Island (inscribed 1918)
- Godfrey Morgan
- Michael Strogoff (AN) - Gilt Spine Title
- Dropped from the Clouds (assumed)
- Abandoned (assumed)
- The Secret of the Island
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (AN)
Note: From my collection, 3 parts of Mysterious Island, and Michael Strogoff have the Paste-down AND the Celestial spine BUT do NOT have the Celestial design on the cover!
There are at least 4 variations of cover and spine details |
Title in Black
Cover Celestial in Colour
(Like Red or Gray)
Spine in Matching colour
Spine Title Black |
Title in Black
Cover Celestial Gilt
Spine Gilt Spine Title Gilt |
Title in Black
Cover Celestial in a Colour
(Like Red or Grey)
Spine in matching colour
Spine Title Gilt |
Title in Gilt
Cover Celestial in Colour
(Like Red or Grey)
Spine in Gilt
Spine Title Gilt |
This cover was NOT used exclusively for Jules Verne!
Jules Verne's Works
Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd
100, Southwark St., S.E.
ED: This is the only dustjacket I have seen of this style, as of March 2022
Collection Andrew Nash
Adventure Dustjacket Series
Sampson Low
Priced 1/6
Titles in this series include:
- Archipelago on Fire - Big Ship Cover
- Child of the Cavern
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon - Big Ship Cover
- From the Earth to the Moon - Coll ANash - Monkey Jungle
DJ "Chronicles of the IMP"
- Texar the Southerner - Monkey Jungle Cover
- ...
Ed: The Dustjacket is a Generic Jacket, in that my From the Earth to the Moon, has an image in the middle of the spine of a diver in a helmet!
Archipelago on Fire and Texar the Sourtherner both available from
Adrian Harrington Rare Books
Voyages Dustjacket Series
"Ever popular Books for Boys"
Sampson Low
Samspon Low issued some books with a Dustjacket that has images from numerous Verne titles.
The rear ad for the series says:
Jules Verne's Ever Popular Booys For Boys
Uniform with this Volume
(with an image of the Onion Dome/Taj cover !)
The Dustjackets were put over various style covers and NOT all the same.
The Dustjacket has been noted over "Onion Dome", "Monkey Jungle" and "Big Ship"
Titles covered with this Dustjacket inclue:
- Adrift in the Pacific (with a RED banner)
- Burbank the Northerner (2/6 on the spine)
- Clipper of the Clouds (price 3 shillings on DJ)
- From the Earth to the Moon
- The Purchase of the North Pole
- Round the Moon ("6" visible on DJ spine, so 2s6d)
- Twenty Thousand Leauges Under the Sea
(2s blacked out on spine, 2s6d on rear cover)
- ...
2s or 2s6d blacked out on spine but 2s6d prominent on rear cover
(Above DJ NOT Imp)
Chronicles of the IMP Series
with Specific Title Dustjackets
Sampson Low
In the late 1920's, Sampson Low issued Jules Verne books with a Dustjacket, that always had an ad on the back, advertising
The Chronicles of the IMP by Jeffery Farnol
Titles in this Series include:
- The Abandoned - (Jeffery Farnol Ad, but NOT Imp) & IMP (2nd img)
- Adrift in the Pacific (2 variations of Dustjacket) - Taj/Onion Dome
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Castaways of the Flag
- The Clipper of the Clouds (2 variations of Dustjacket)
- The Cryptogram
- Dropped From the Clouds (1 Imp, 1 NOT Imp)
- 800 Leagues On the Amazon (2 variations of Dustjacket - 1 a Taj cover)
- End of Nana Sahib
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- Flight to France
- Floating City and The Blockade Runners (2 variations of Dustjacket)
- Floating Island - Coll ANash - Monkey Jungle
- From the Earth to the Moon (inscribed 1939) - Small Ship Cover
- The Fur Country - Big Ship Cover
- Lighthouse at the End of the World
- Master of the World
- Michael Strogoff
- The Secret of the Island
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (2 variations of Dustjacket)
- The Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
- ...
Colour - Onion Dome / Taj Mahal
Sampson Low.
Gilt Spine Circa 1914 to 1916 (Philip Hollaway)
Black Spine Circa 1917 to 1923 (Philip Hollaway)
In the mid to late teens (1915-1920) , Sampson Low published Jules Verne books with a "Taj Mahal / Onion Dome" type cover.
The covers come in both a Coloured Taj image as well as an Outline image on the basic cover!
The title page of these books is undated, but books have been observed with:
- a 1916 Xmas inscription
- a 1917 Xmas inscription
- a 1918 BookPlate for a school prize
The ONLY Titles with a Colour Taj Cover are:
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- Dropped From the Clouds
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Lottery Ticket (and The Vanished Diamond)
- The Lottery Ticket and The Begums Fortune
- The Lottery Ticket (and The Flight to France)
- The Lottery Ticket (and The Archipelago on Fire)
- *** The Lottery Ticket*** Unclear if this exists on its own!
*** It is unclear if "The Lottery Ticket" exisits on its own without "another story" published with it?
The EARLIEST copies of the Colour Cover, has the title on the Spine in Gilt:
Plain Outline - Onion Dome / Taj Mahal
Sampson Low.
Circa 1924 to 1930 (Philip Hollaway)
The Outline Taj covers have ONLY been seen in Red Cloth
In the mid to late teens (1915-1920) , Sampson Low published Jules Verne books with a "Taj Mahal"/"Onion Dome" type cover.
The covers come in both a Coloured Taj image as well as an outline image on the basic cover!
Titles with this cover include:
- Abandoned (Myst. Island)
- (Adventures of) Three Englishmen Three Russians
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Around the World in Eighty Days - Coll ANash
- The Clipper of the Clouds (seen with Prize plate-1923)
- The Cryptogram
- Dropped From the Clouds (Myst. Island) - Coll ANash with DJ
- 800 Leagues Up the Amazon
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Floating City and The Blockade Runners
- The Floating Island
- From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Round It
- Godfrey Morgan
- Secret of the Island (Myst. Island)
- The Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- The Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice and Other Stories
and also listed on the below dustjacket
- The Child of the Cavern (assumed)
- Hector Servadac (assumed)
- Mathias Sandorf (assumed)
- Survivors of the Chancellor (assumed)
- Burbank the Northerner (assumed)
- Texar the Southerner (assumed)
- Purchase of the North Pole (assumed)
- ...
Colour - Monkey Jungle
Sampson Low.
Gilt Spine Circa 1914 to 1916 (Philip Hollaway)
Black Spine Circa 1917 to 1923 (Philip Hollaway)
Copies noted with inscriptions from: 1914, 1916, 1921
AND with the 1928 Sampson Low Anniversary Bio!!!
The covers come in both a Coloured Jungle image as well as an outline image on the basic cover!
The ONLY titles with COLOUR Taj/Onion Dome:
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen
- Burbank the Northerner
- The Child of the Cavern
- The Cryptogram
- From the Earth to the Moon
- Hector Servadac
- Purchase of the North Pole
- The Secret of the Island
- Texar the Southerner
- Tigers and Traitors
- Round the Moon
- The Vanished Diamond
Tigers and Traitors, Adventures of..., Cryptogram: Images courtesy of James Keeline (External Facebook link)
Title: Purchase...: verified by Tim Lucas
Plain Outline - Monkey Jungle
Sampson Low.
Circa 1924 to 1930 (Philip Hollaway)
The ONLY Titles seen in Plain Outline Monkey Jungle covers:
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- The End of Nana Sahib (Part 1: Steam House)
- The Floating Island - Coll ANash
- Hector Servadac
- The Secret of the Island
- The Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
This OUTLINE cover was NOT used exclusively for Jules Verne!
And with DJ!
Note: This volume, Andre Laurie, includes the 1928 Sampson Low,
Jules Verne Anniversary 5 page Bio
Colour Big Ship Cover
Sampson Low, Martson & Co Ltd.
Gilt Spine Circa 1914 to 1916 (Philip Hollaway)
Black Spine Circa 1917 to 1923 (Philip Hollaway)
Copies noted with inscriptions from: 1919, 1923
The covers come in both a Coloured Ship image as well as an outline image on the basic cover!
I do not know if there is a difference in price between the 2
One dustjacket shown to the left
Price 1'6p
The ONLY titles with COLOUR Big Ship:
- Abandoned
- Adrift in the Pacific
- The Archipelago on Fire
- The Blockade Runners
- 800 Leagues up the Amazon
- A Floating City
- The Floating Island
- Godfrey Morgan
- Mathias Sandorf
- Survivors of the Chancellor
- Twenty Thouand Leagues Under the Sea
Title: Archipelago...: verified by Tim Lucas
Plain Outline - Big Ship
Sampson Low.
Circa 1924 to 1930 (Philip Hollaway)
The ONLY titles with Plain Outline Big Ship:
- Abandoned
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- Dick Sands, The Boy Captain
- Dropped From the Clouds
- 800 Leagues Up the Amazon
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Flight to France
- A Floating City
- The Floating City and the Blockade Runners
- The Fur Country
- Godfrey Morgan
- Hector Servadac
- Michael Strogoff
- The Mystery of the Franklin
- Secret of the Island
- Three Englishmen and Three Russians
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- The Vanished Diamond
This cover was NOT used exclusively for Jules Verne!
Small Ship Cover - Sun Rays
Sampson Low
Circa 1917 to 1923 (Philip Hollaway)
The Covers of this version of the Small Ship covers, have Yellow printed Sun Rays eminating from the Ship.
These covers can have Gilt or Black and the text on the Spine can be Gilt or Black
The order of publication, is probably:
- Ship with Sun Rays on cover - Gilt title on cover AND Gilt Lettering on Spine
- Ship with Sun Rays on cover - Black title on cover AND Spine with Gilt Lettering
- Ship with Sun Rays on cover - Cover AND Spine with Black Lettering
Ed: I assume the Titles of covers with Sun Rays come with both Gilt and Black spines
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Archipelago on Fire - Gilt Spine
- The Adventures of Three Englishmen - Gilt spine
- Around the World in Eighty Days - Gilt Spine
- Clipper of the Clouds - Gilt Spine
- Cryptogram - Gilt Spine
- Five Weeks in a Balloon - Gilt Spine
- The Floating Island - Black Spine
- For the Flag - Gilt & Black Spine
- The Tribulations of a Chinaman - Gilt Spine
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Black Spine
- ...
Note that if the Spine is Gilt, then there are also 2 wheatsheaf/Spear blind stamps on the cover. These do NOT appear on the Black lettered Spine Covers!
Ed Note: I have found images for ONLY the Spines of
Archipelago on Fire: Gilt Lettering on Spine
The cover is NOT unique to Jules Verne titles:
(Above Right: Eight Hundred Leagues!)
(Above Right: Twenty Thousand Leagues) |
Small Ship Cover - Plain (NO Sun Rays)
Sampson Low
Circa 1930 to 1940s (Philip Hollaway)
Seen with Bookplate 1933
These covers can have the Title on the Cover, or NO Title on the Cover
The "Small Ship" covers and spines come in a variety of styles:
- Ship with NO Sun Rays on cover - Spine with Black Lettering & Design
- Ship with NO Sun Rays on cover and NO title on cover
An example has been seen inscribed 1934
Seen with DustJacket (Michael Strogoff) SEE DustJacket entry below!
Rear of DustJacket says:
The Following "Boys' Stories of School and Adventure" are published Uniform with this volume. Ed: See list in the Below Dust Jacket entry!
The titles seen in this series include:
- Abandoned (assumed)
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Archipelago on Fire
- Clipper of the Clouds (Inscr 1934)
- The Cryptogram
- Dropped From the Clouds
- Eight Hundred Leagues Up the Amazon
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- The Floating Island
- For the Flag
- From the Earth to the Moon and Trip Round It
- Michael Strogoff
- Mystery of the 'Franklin'
- The Secret of the Island (assumed)
- Twenty Thousnad Leagues under the Sea
- ...
This series may also come with a dustjacket
Ed Note: I have not personally seen the copy of For the Flag, but it was listed as being "Fully Illustrated" and its title page is in the style of a title page from the late 1800's
The cover is NOT unique to Jules Verne titles:
Dust Jacket of
Boys' Stories of School and Adventure
Sampson Low
This dustjack has been seen with Michael Strogoff and the rear of the Dustjacket says:
The Following "Boys' Stories of School and Adventure" are published Uniform with this volume.
The cover under the Michael Strogoff Dustjacket was "Small Ship"!
The titles listed on the Dust Jacket in this series include:
- Abandoned
- Around the World in 80 Days
- The Cryptogram
- Dick Sands
- Dropped From the Clouds
- Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
- End of Nana Sahib
- Five Weeks in a Balloon
- Flight to France
- A Floating City and Blockade Runners
- From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Round It
- Fur Country
- Godfrey Morgan
- Hector Servadac
- The Lighthouse at the End of the World
- Master of the World
- Michael Strogoff
- Mystery of the Franklin
- Secret of the Island
- Their Island Home
- Tribulations of a Chinaman
- Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Other Authors were also issued in this series
Each of the Explorers books, came with a Dust Jacket.
Images below:
Group of Explorers
Sampson Low
Circa 1924 to 1930 (Philip Hollaway)
The books in this series, all have the same cover, but they did come with Dust Jackets
Titles in this series include:
- Adrift in the Pacific
- Burbank the Northerner
- The Child of the Cavern
- The Clipper of the Clouds
- The Floating Island
- Secret of the Island (175pgs/32Ads)
- Texar the Southerner A Tale of the American Civil War
- Tigers and Traitors
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- ...
Plain Cover
Sampson Low
Circa 1940 to 1950 (Philip Hollaway)
These later printings of Jules Verne titles, have plain covers (some with titles, others, only the title on the spine)
The following titles have been seen with these plain covers:
- Clipper of the Clouds
- Dropped From the Clouds
- The End of Nana Sahib
- The Floating Island
- The Vanished Diamond
- A Winter Amid the Ice
- ...