Page last modified: June 25, 2024

Un Billet de loterie. Le numéro 9672 - 1886 

Lottery Ticket (The) - 1886

[Voyages Extraordinaires #29 - 1 Volume - L'Europe]

(J-M Margot)
Jules Verne
Alternate English Titles:
    The Lottery Ticket
    Ticket No. 9672
    The Cipher Missive

Plot Synopsis: 
(courtesy of D. Kytasaari -

Hulda Hansen of Dal, Norway anxiously awaits the return of her betrothed, Ole Kamp who promised her great fortune on his return. Ole works on the fishing boat, Viking, which is expected to return soon, but when it doesn't, it is feared lost. While this is going on, Hulda and her brother Joel also worry about their mother Dame Hansen, who hasn't been acting like herself, ever since that visit from a man known as Sandgoist. A guest staying with the family is Sylvius Hogg, who is taken with Hulda's story and uses his position within the government to help out. One trace of the ship is found, a bottle that contains a note for Hulda and a single lottery ticket, numbered 9672. News of the tragedy and the hope of the possible riches of the lottery ticket spread around the countryside, especially interested is the man Sandgoist. What fortunes await the Hansen family when the day of the lottery drawing arrives?

Book Collecting Information:
Hetzel Editions:

This listing contains ALL Jules Verne Encyclopedia bibliographic entries for this book.

 First UK Editon:


Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In August 1886, Sampson Low published the first British edition of The Lottery Ticket, with only 37 illustrations, in crown 8v0., priced at 7s6d. The front cover of this book shows a drowning Ole Kamp, the young captain of the Viking, up to his neck in the ocean waves, with a bottle bobbing before him, and the sinking ship behind him in the distance. A sea gull is hovering in the air above his head. The spine of the book shows Sylvius Hog, reading about the fate of the Viking."

This translation opens:

" 'What time is it?' asked Dame Hansen, as she knocked the ashes out of her pipe while the last few whiffs floated off against the painted beams of the ceiling."

The Lottery Ticket
1887 (seen inscribed "Christmas 1886")
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington

32 page ads, dated October 1886

gilt edges

37 illustrations (Title page says 38!)

Top image courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

First US Edition:

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"On July 23, 1886, Geoge Munro copyrighted volume one of Ticket No. 9672, and two deposit copies were received by the Library of Congress on September 1. This book was published by July 28, 1886"

This translation opens:

" 'What time is it? ' inquired Dame Hansen, shaking the ashes from her pipe, the fast curling rings from which were slowly disappearing between the stained rafters overhead."

Ticket No. 9672 - Vol 1
George Munro
New York

published by July 28, 1886
in wrappers?

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"On November 27, 1886, George Munro copyrighted volume two of Ticket No. 9672, and two deposit copies were ceceived by the Library of Congress on December 17. This book was published on December 3, 1886."

Ticket No. 9672 - Vol 2
George Munro
New York

published by December 3, 1886
in wrappers?

Ed: *** See Below for the Seaside Library Pocket Edition, story in 1 volume!. WHEN was IT Published??

First US Edition:
Hard Bound

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"By the turn of the century, M. A. Donohue of Chicago republished Ticket No. 9672 along with many others copyrighted by George Munro for the Seaside Library editions years earlier."

Ticket No. 9672
nd (circa 1900)
M. A. Donohue

1st Hard Cover US Edition

Gilt Title and Publisher on spine

Jules Verne Series

Verne story covers 161pgs
and then 9 Edgar Alan Poe short stories:
(pages numbered starting page 145 to 192, then 111 to 155)
- The Duc De L'Omelette
- The Oblong Box
- King Pest
- Three Sundays in a Week
- The Devil in the Belfry
- Lionizing
- The Fall of the House of Usher
- The Pit and the Pendulum
- The Premature Burial

1st image Collection Andrew Nash

Other Editions:
An example book shown!!!

(above, only an example of cover)
Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Sometime later, the Sampson Low sheets were issued in a fully illustrated plain limp cloth, gilt edged edition of The Lottery Ticket under the imprint of the Grant Educational Company, Ltd., Glascow Book Saloons."

The Lottery Ticket
The Grant Educational Co., Limited
Glascow Book Saloons,
91 and 93 Union Street.

gilt edged edition

Ticket "No.9672."
Geo. Munro's Sons
17 to 27 Vandewater St.
New York

Seaside Library, Pocket Edition No. 838

Complete in 1 Volume!

Ed: IF this was published in 1886, then IT IS a 1st Edition!

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In October 1889, Sampson Low published a New Edition of The Lottery Ticket, priced at 3s6d."

The Lottery Ticket
Sampson Low

New and Cheaper Edition

2nd Edition

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In March 1891, Sampson Low published a New Edition of The Lottery Ticket, in crown 8vo., priced at 2s, and a less expensive volume priced at 1s."

The Lottery Ticket
A Tale of Tellemarken

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington

Gilt Banner Cover


Same - Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In March 1891, Sampson Low published a New Edition of The Lottery Ticket, in crown 8vo., priced at 2s, and a less expensive volume priced at 1s."

The Lottery Ticket
A Tale of Tellemarken

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington

"Pears Soap" edition

New and Cheaper Edition

6 illust

image and listing information courtesy of David Linton

Same - Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In March 1891, Sampson Low published a New Edition of The Lottery Ticket, in crown 8vo., priced at 2s, and a less expensive volume priced at 1s."

The Lottery Ticket
A Tale of Tellemarken

Sampson Low

"Pears Soap" edition

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Around 1912, Stein published their 25-cent edition of Ticket No. 9672."

Ticket No. 9672

25 Cents (in Wraps?)

ED: The Below Sampson Low entries, show that The Lottery Ticket was bound with Other Stories although the COVER does not indicate that!
  • The Begum's Fortune, with that story listed on the cover!
  • Archipelago on Fire
  • Flight to France
  • The Vanished Diamond

Because the Title page says "The Lottery Ticket and Other Stories" I assume that there was NEVER a "The Lottery Ticket" printed that did NOT have another story bound with it. I need to see a copy to be proven wrong.

I have included images of the start of the 2nd story, as proof that they exist (I have NOT included proof of The Begum's Fortune, since it is listed on the cover!)

nd (circa 1919)

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In February 1919, Sampson Low published two works bound in one volume entitled The Lottery Ticket; and the Begum's Fortune, crown 8vo., priced at 2s6d."

The Lottery Ticket & The Begum's Fortune
circa 1919
Sampson Low, Marston & Company, Limited
London & Edinburgh

Author's Copyright Edition

Numerous Illustrations

Ed: MY copy of this book, SEEMS to have The Begum's Fortune TITLE Page ripped out. It would have gone between the Begum Frontis and the Begum, table of Contents!
- I have NOW seen TWO copies of this book, and BOTH have a MISSING Begum's Fortune title page!!!
THIS seems deliberate!!!

The remaining page edge!!!!

nd (Circa 1919)

Below: Start of The Flight to France

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Also, about the same time Sampson Low published The Lottery Ticket; and Other Stories, which contained the title story and The Flight to France."

The Lottery Ticket ; & Other Stories
includes: The Flight to France
Sampson Low, Marston & Company, Limited
London & Edinburgh

Author's copyright edition.

192pp for The Lottery Ticket (6 Illustr.)
???pp for The Flight to France (numbered seperately) (6 illustr.)

nd (Circa 1919)

Below: Start of The Vanished Diamond
This entry is NOT in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Above entry says: Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Also, about the same time Sampson Low published The Lottery Ticket; and Other Stories, which contained the title story and The Flight to France."

Ed: The 2nd title in THIS book is The Vanished Diamond, NOT The Flight to France!!!

The Lottery Ticket ; & Other Stories
includes: The Vanished Diamond
nd (1919)
Sampson Low

Author's copyright edition.

192pp for The Lottery Ticket
179pp for The Vanished Diamond (numbered seperately)

The Lottery Ticket ; & Other Stories
includes: The Archipelago on Fire
nd (1919)
Sampson Low

Above entry says: Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Also, about the same time Sampson Low published The Lottery Ticket; and Other Stories, which contained the title story and The Flight to France."

Ed: The 2nd title in THIS book is The Archipelago on Fire, NOT The Flight to France!!!

This entry is NOT in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia.

Author's copyright edition.

192pp for The Lottery Ticket
pp for The Archipelago on Fire

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In August 1923, Sampson Low published The Lottery Ticket in a New and Cheaper edition, crown 8vo., priced at 1s6d."

The Lottery Ticket
Sampson Low

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