Page last updated: June 26, 2024

What's New at

This "What's New" page, will let you see quickly what is new, and what has been upated on this site.
I will try to update this anytime I make a "significant" update or change.
This could include

  • New Boook images on a page / New Pages / New finds
  • A book page "getting the Jules Verne Encyclopedia" treatment!
    The JVE treatment, is me finally updating a book page with ALL the bibliographic entries in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia, and matching those entries with the books already on the page.
My NEW Reading Adventure - I have decided to start reading Verne's books anew and again
June 2024
April 2024
March 2024
January 2024
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
  • FIRST TIME Identification of Variant A and Variant B of 1st UK Edition of Mathias Sandorf
  • FIRST TIME display of National Publishing Company Flight to France

July 10, 2023

June 28, 2023
June 17, 2023
June 2023 A lot of changes, BUT of note,
April/May 2023
April 13, 2023
March 31, 2023
Mar 29, 2023
  • Added Numerous Hetzel Covers to the top of many Book pages
Mar 24, 2023
  • Updated Fur Country page with more details about the 1882-ish Lovell and Worthington copies!!!
Mar 17, 2023
  • Updated the Fitzroy page with the Granada cover of "From the Earth to the Moon"
Early 2023 to March 10
Dec 6, 2022
November 2022 MANY CHANGES to MANY Pages:
  • Added new Dustjackets (Imp) to the Sampson Low Sets page (New Abandoned, Castaways of the Flag, Cryptogram, Dick Sands, New Dropped From the Clouds)
  • While cataloguing MY collection, I updated all Books pages, that had any of my Arco, Bernard Hanison, Associated Booksellers, Panther, Granada - Fitzroy editions (lots of pages)
  • ***included creating a Checklist for Fitzroy Edition (PDF) and (Excel), now available on the Fitzroy page ***
  • AND fixed an editing error on the Fitzroy page, that restored the column of DJ images, for books 49 to 63 (They were missing from this page for 3 years!!!)
Nov 4, 2022

Important ENGLISH Jules Verne Research updated.

Nov 3, 2022
Nov 1, 2022
  • **Minor Discovery** - Discovery of ONE illustration from Around the Moon (From the Earth) in a "random" 1877 Scribner Children's book of illustrations and information.
  • Add Scribner 6 Volume Set, Red Cover, on the Sets page AND each of the 6 Book pages.
Oct 31, 2022
June 10, 2022
  • MAJOR research on Mysterious Island in Scribner's Monthly, Nov 1883 to April 1876, chapter and illustration count
    updated Serials page and Mysterious Island page
June 7, 2022
  • NEW DISCOV|ERY of a new Serial version of An Antarctic Mystery, in Boys' Stories of Adventure and Daring
  • NEW DISCOVERY of a new Serial version of The Floating Island, in Young and Old
  • Every Boys Annual added, and other updates to the Keraban page
May 16, 2022
Mar 23, 2022
Mar 9, 2022
Feb 16, 2022
Feb 3, 2022
  • Expanded the Sets listing for Jules Verne Series (Explorer) by Hurst.
  • Also distributed the photos to the respective book pages: Facing the Flag, Claudius Bombarnac, etc
  • Updated the Routledge listings on the Sets Page, especially Half-Crown Juvenile series
  • Updated Fur Country page with the 3 "contents" variants of the Routledge Fur Country of the Half-Crown series
Jan 30, 2022
Jan 4, 2022

Important ENGLISH Jules Verne Research updated.

  • new appearances of mentions and synopsis of Five Weeks in a Balloon, identified by Andrew Nash, April 15, 2021 are finally added to the books page! Five Weeks 1st mention is now Jan 1863, NOT Oct 1868
Jan 4, 2022

Important ENGLISH Jules Verne Research updated.

  • new appearances of A Voyage in a Balloon identified by Andrew Nash, early 2021 finally added to the stories page
Jan 2, 2022
Dec 26, 2021
  • Added more details about the various address differences for the Sampson Low Celestial covers
  • updated all Book pages that have Sampson Low Celestial covers
  • Added more details about the Phillips & Mowle book, Around the World page, circa 1895
  • Added Blue and Green "Sun and Cloud" Ward Lock covers to the Journey to the Centre page
Dec 24, 2021
Dec 23, 2021
  • Added Phillips & Mowle publisher book to Around the World page, circa 1895
  • Added Green cover to the Sun and Clouds Series of Ward Lock sets
Oct 29, 2021
Oct 20, 2021
  • Site maintenance and cleanup. I made a lot of changes/corrections, so I hope all still works properly.
    I fixed: Footers that pointed to the wrong main page / Updated "Old Book Page" redirects, so if another
    site linked to a page, the old page will redirect to the new book page.
  • I added the Short Story link for Christopher Columbus to the title index and the new link for
    play Castles of California
Oct 19, 2021
  • Updated the Sampson Low Gilt Title non-pears page with 3 new Gilt Title images
  • Updated the Ward, Lock Sets page with more information and images for the Captain Library series
  • Updated the Sampson Low Sets page with more thumbnails images of:
    Art Deco, Celestial, Taj, Big Ship, Small Ship, Monkey, Explorer covers.
    Images and title list are sorted by Book title
Oct 17, 2021
Oct 16, 2021
Oct 16, 2021
Aug 25, 2021
May 30 2021
May 17, 2021
May 13, 2021
  • performed the Jules Verne Encyclopedia treatment to Dr Ox's Experiment, and updated numerous images, including Gill plain cover, Amazing Stories Pulp, 1950 collection, Lakeside Library, Sampson Low 2nd Edition, Amerion...
    (Thank you Philip Hollaway for assistance)
May 12, 2021
May 8, 2021
May 7, 2021
May 5, 2021 Created English Media Jules Verne Timeline page, 1852 - 1870
Page will be revealed closer to the publication of the article in the Summer "Extraordinary Voyages"
April 29, 2021 Updated Mathias Sandorf with a new translation by George J Rios, 2010
April 23, 2021
  • Updated and performed the JVE treatment to Waif of the Cynthia
  • Updated the Title Xref with additional names for Mathias Sandorf and Waif of the Cynthia
April 22, 2021
  • Updated and performed the JVE treatment to Mathias Sandorf AND updated images for 1908 Seaside Library edition
  • Added Seaside Library Catalogue image to Seaside Library section of Munro Sets AND added the "number of pages" to the Seaside AND an image of 574 Mathias

April 21, 2021

April 19, 2021
  • Added the 1861 "The Sixpenny" discovery to the Voyage in a Ballon Page
  • & added images of Musee de Famille as well as Newspaper images
April 15, 2021
April 14, 2021
  • Updated Hector Servadac page, with more 1st edition images, and enlarged other images on page. Added Hetzel cover image to top of page.
April 12, 2021
  • Updated Hector Servadac page, to show 2 variants of US Scribner 1st edition, WITH photos
April 9, 2021
  • Updated Dick Sands 1st Edition, Scribners, to indicate an illustration missing, is normal
  • Updated Hector Servadac 1st US Edition entries; re 2 volume vs 1 volume
  • Updated Mysterious Island book page, to indicated that Scribner, Abandonded, 1st edition 1875 and 2nd edition 1876 are both missing illustration "Flotsam and Jetsam", pg 22.
    This is know in all copies (TELL ME IF YOU KNOW DIFFERENT!)
  • Redesigned MAIN page - still under construction - NEW MAIN OLD MAIN
April 7, 2021 Updated the Around the World in Eighty Days book page
  • 1895 to 1910 R E King Publisher entries
  • Made announcement that the Illustrator of the R E King 1900 edition, is Gordon Frederick Browne
  • added an 1880 Worthington Tadpole/Frog cover edition
April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021
  • Announced new finds of early English versions of the short story A Voyage in a Balloon, in 1852 (April and September)
    AND merged a new “Voyage/Drama in the air” page with the existing A Voyage in a Balloon page
End of March 2021 Updated the exisiting Voyages Extraordinaires information/explanation page.
  • Now has 2 English translations of the Jules Hetzel's (Publisher) "Purpose of the new series Voyages Extraordinaires.
  • Has a new section, grouping The Voyage Extraordinaires novels into the Region / Type classificaiton that J Hetzel created, for advertising etc
  • Add a link just below the French and English titles at the top of the Book pages of each of the 54 Voyages Extraordinaires titles  (5 Weeks, Around the World, Mathias Sandorf etc etc etc) back to the updated page, above.
    This new link/text indicates what Number the book is in the Voyages Extraordinaires!
End of March 2021
Early March 2021

What's New, takes a Hiatus! for 19 years!! (Sorry!!!)

Feb - May 2002 Updated numerous book pages accessible from

New book page "Lad of Grit" at: vernebooks/jvbkladofgrit.html

New Around the World in 80 Days Play / Kiralfy Brothers Page:

Partially redisigned "collect.html" page

Feb 2002 Numerous additions to this website since last year.
The book pages, accessible from the page have been improved and added to.
The biggest new addition is the 
Jules Verne Who's Who Dictionary.
It is an attempt to catalogue every character in every Jules Verne Book
Feb 2, 2001 New page cataloguing Jules Verne stories published in "Boys' Own Annual" ( "Boy's Own Papers")
updated the Collect.html main page:
Feb 1, 2001 New page of Jules Verne Obituaries:
Dec 2000 to 
Jan 2001
Made various modifications to individual book pages, like "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea":
Jan 31, 2001 Added a Nellie Bly page with a short biography but only a few images (at present)
 May 30, 2000  Updated page about Secret Adventures of Jules Verne:
 Oct 10, 1999  New page added listing links to sites with information about "Secret Adventures of Jules Verne":
Sept 9, 1999 New page added listing locations around the world named after Jules Verne, his characters, or his machines:
June 23,1999 Uploaded a new version of my main "Collect.html" page.
It is currently under construction, but available at:
It is an attempt to make my pages less wordy, at least until you find what you want!

Added more separate book links to my titles page:

June 22,1999 Added more seperate book links to my titles page:
Added links to a fine Verne/Hetzel page to my Hetzel cover page and to my links page.
June 9, 1999 Added more links from the "Title Page" listed below. More individual book page skeletons are available:
Apr 17, 1999 Added Complete Title Index Page:
Apr 17, 1999 Added Complete Title Page:
Oct 4, 1998 Updated Bibliographies page:
Sept 15, 1998 Updated Amazing Stories "pulp" magazine page:
Updated the Vincent Parke Sets page:
Sept 10, 1998 More languages/countries added to Language page:
Aug 5, 1998 Added a page on Amazing Stories "pulp" magazine:
Aug 4, 1998 More board games added to the Board game page:
Aug 3, 1998 More languages/countries added to Language page:
July 30, 1998 Redesign of the main collecting page:
July 29, 1998 Outage of main page due to disk error at internet provider.(July 29 - July 30)
Various images at the website moved to new directories. Should not be apparent to viewers.
July 28, 1998 Added new page - Autographs/Signatures:
July 26, 1998 Added new page - Board Games:
July 25, 1998 Added Nautilus links to the bottom of the Nautilus Models page:
Added links to the Internet Movie Database ( for some titles on the Jules Verne Movie page:
July 22, 1998 What's New page added:
and corresponding entry on "Collect.html" page 
and rename of Nautilus models page from "jvmodels.html" to "jvmodels.html"
New Page on Jules Verne Cigar Bands and Cigarette Cards:
+ corresponding entry on the "collect.html" page
July 16, 1998 Treasure Chest Comic detail page added:
and "jvcomics.html" page
July 12, 1998 New model on the Nautilus model page:
+ a details page on this model:
July 5, 1998 Added Greek and Shorthand books to Languages page:

If you have any questions about collecting,
or any of the items that I have shown,
please feel free to message me.
Email: or

Back to Back to Main Page of Jules Verne Collecting Website Collecting Page.

Unless indicated otherwise, Images copyright Andrew Nash 2002, 2001
Updated January 31, 2001